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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. Same in Florida. I've done a lot of equipment testing there and the summers are something. Rain them within seconds upper ninety's and high humidity. We had to wear khakis and a polo because of the location. I'd bring 3 extra of both each day and change periodically. Even up here we get some hot and humid weather but in the south its relentless.
  2. Video is actually hard to watch. Hurry one of the Trump haters post that picture of him and Ivanka.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/30/world/coronavirus-who-masks-recommendation-trnd/index.html WHO stands by recommendation to not wear masks if you are not sick or not caring for someone who is sick
  4. Show me a big city and I'll show you parts of it that are a shithole. Hell that don't even have to be that big.
  5. Its not just Michigan dude I was using that as an example.
  6. Tough balance and no easy answer and honestly I don't envy anyone making the so called rules. That being said I would think there could be a bit more common sense used in some states. Sure go buy booze and pot but you can't buy plants or seeds to plant a garden......even when its sold in the same Walmart. (not the pot....but it should be. )
  7. Never agreed to that. Care to show where I did? The economy needs to be opened in very select ways in select areas. The food chain is one we don't have a choice but to figure ways out to keep it going which would include military options.
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/from-new-york-to-canada-to-the-white-house-initial-coronavirus-responses-havent-aged-well
  9. No I've just described a real man's world not one pulling camper with a minivan.
  10. Correct however 25% is for fixed expenses.
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