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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. A doer? What has she done that wasn't a fuck up? Please don't claim SCHIP as she does because she had NOTHING to do with it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/06/20/clintons-claim-of-working-with-democrats-and-republicans-to-create-a-child-health-program/ As SoS much of what she did was toxic. Libya, Benghazi, the Iran deal, the weapons deals with foreign govts that gave money to the Clinton foundation. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/hillary-clintons-china-problem-15763
  2. I haven't heard anything. Maybe he's pissed at the Pence choice. I do think its funny if the MSM gives this much attention considering Bill's past.
  3. Thought the dems liked artistic expression? Well they usually do except when it comes to anything negative about Islam, then it should be censored. Compared to Bill this is hardly anything bad. He traveled with a known pedophile on his private plane to his private sex Island at times eluding the secret service and a few nudes of Trumps wife is an issue.
  4. Because Obama's Justice Department didn't file charges even when they admitted she broke the law and her husband unethically intervened in the investigation?
  5. The "hearings" are just a small part of her historical dishonesty. No need to debate her or Trump with you anymore. You're obviously just another Snowrider. Blind partisanship.
  6. So what about Hillary's dishonestly Vince. That really does't bother you?
  7. Sad to see a fire in this area. I don't ride much down by Lava Mountain but have in the past. http://wildfiretoday.com/2016/07/25/lava-mountain-fire-northwest-of-dubois-wyoming/
  8. Not valid because dems will back dems no matter what. That is blatantly obvious with Clinton's dishonesty. People in her party should be outraged over her lies. Trump is not a long time member of the GOP so its no surprise the establishment would not like some of the things he says. He is not one of them like Hillary is to the Dems. You should understand this. So being a pathological liar doesn't matter to you?
  9. What makes you so sure Hillary does? The fact that she only speaks from written speeches from teleprompters tells you she has the correct temperament? The absolute verifiable lies about the sniper, emails, Benghazi attack doesn't tell you she is not fit to be POTUS? Here's the left leaning Politifact on her lies. http://www.politifact.com/personalities/hillary-clinton/statements/byruling/false/ More lies. http://louderwithcrowder.com/caught-top-5-hillary-clinton-lies/#.V59wd_krKUk Scary to think that someone who is a pathological liar is the wanted temperament to be POTUS.
  10. To start he's not Hillary. These are topics I support him on which are directly the opposite of Hillary's stances. He says what he feels and doesn't fall into the political correctness lying bullshit so prevalent in DC. He know's NATO and the UN are not holding up their end of the bargain and is willing to call them out on it. Illegal immigration is a problem in this country. Sure not all of them are bad but plenty are. Open southern border leads to massive amounts of drug and human trafficking and costs US citizens billions and billions of dollars. Even the law abiding illegal hurts wages for blue collar Americans. He is willing to be honest about it. You cannot solve problems without admitting what the problem is FIRST. Says he will nominate judges to protect the 2nd amendment and the constitution. He hasn't been corrupted by DC or either political party. Realizes there needs to be changes in trade deals to benefit the US instead of everyone else. Smart free trade. Has actually ran something other than a campaign and has experience creating jobs. Understands Obamacare is a disaster. Wants to repeal and replace it with something that actually creates competition and saves money. Understands that radical Islam is a threat to US citizens safety. After all this is the first and foremost job of the POTUS is to protect its citizens. Is willing to kick political correctness in the balls on this subject and put a hold on potential radicals from coming into out country. Look what is happening in Europe. I'VE YET TO HEAR HIM PROMISE ANYTHING FINANCIALLY TO PEOPLE THAT THEY HAVEN'T ALREADY EARNED TO GET VOTES.
  11. So you don't believe Bernie sold out on basically everything he stood for by endorsing Hillary? Fact is things look a lot different from a Hotel room in Iowa than they do from the Oval Office. Just look at all the things Obama campaigned on then did a 180 when he became POTUS. Whats really sad is people like you that think socialism and a far larger govt presence in our life is what is needed in our country. Move to a Scandinavian country or Venezuela if that is what you want.
  12. Lots to like about Gary Johnson but the fact remains a vote for him is a vote for Hillary. He cannot win period.
  13. Hillary laughed about getting the rapist of a 12 yo girl off. I don't care how long ago it was. Remember how the media crucified Romney for supposedly bullying a kid in high school. Fucking media sucks in this country with how biased they are. Dems would never win a POTUS election if coverage was even.
  14. America didn't miss shit. They would have gotten the same thing with Bernie they may get with Hillary. He sold out to her what make you so sure he would not have sold out to the dems shit as POTUS? Maher is the typical hypocritical liberal elitist. Worth about $30 million. Makes millions every year and props a candidate up that says the govt should end income inequality.
  15. The hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze me. The things Trump says pale in comparison to the things Hillary has done.
  16. Lets not forget the 12 year old girl that Clinton defended the rapist and got him off on a less significant charge.
  17. What a complete train wreck this admin has been.
  18. This how dem logic works. Lower unemployment all has to do with Obama policies. Workforce participation rate at or near an all time low all has to do with baby boomers retiring. Same goes for real unemployment rates being so high. Off course they don't correlate at all.
  19. You're going to post that as a positive?
  20. http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/former-attorney-general-no-way-hillary-clinton-would-get-security-clearance/ Former Attorney General: No Way Hillary Clinton Would Get Security Clearance Former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said that given the evidence presented by the feds, there is no wayHillary Clinton would get a security clearance. This could be a problem if she, say, becomes President of the United States and needs to be briefed on intelligence matters. Maybe the feds will make an exception? “Anybody who has been found to do what the FBI found that she did would not get a security clearance,” Mukasey said during an appearance on Fox News. Mukasey was the nation’s 81st Attorney General, serving under President George W. Bush. He was also one of the earliest legal experts who claimed in January that a criminalcharge would be justified. “I was particularly distressed to hear that he (Comey) said there was no intention to violate the law when the laws involved don’t require any intention to violate the law …
  21. Let's not forget a large portion of the job growth has been in Healthcare. Not surprising with an aging population. Got a job while Obama was president? Then there's a good chance you are working in healthcare or food service or as a temp. Those sectors were responsible more than 60% of the jobs created since Obama took office in January 2009. How much of a role any president plays in job creation during his administration is up for debate. One thing is for certain, though. It's the service sector -- particularly healthcare and food workers -- that's been fueling job growth in recent years. Healthcare now employs 14.9 million Americans, up 11% over the past six years, according to arecent Pew Research Center report. More than one in 10 payroll jobs in the U.S. are in this industry. Much of the job growth in healthcare has taken place in home health care services and outpatient care. That follows both the aging of America and the shift away from more costlyhospital and nursing home care. These later two industries added only 3.7% and 1.2% more jobs, respectively, since 2009.
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