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Canadian Contributing Member
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Everything posted by snopro31

  1. Thank god Trudeau is hammering Cdn farmers to show Putin whos boss
  2. Sounds like a whole bunch of Canadians
  3. The local farmers near his vote buying photo shots should drop some cow shit around the venue's. He has got to be the dumbest mother fucker in the world.
  4. How many people did she assault, rape or murder. Canadian justice cronies let those people go on "promise to appear".
  5. A murderer gets more freedoms then someone who calls out Trudeau in Canada. Now thats pretty sad.
  6. LOL I don't believe our # is accurate.
  7. Handling it better? Sorry Trail but we are not handling anything better.
  8. Nah anyone pretty much gets it depending on the province. Its a good donation though to oil and gas. My 208 bucks went straight into the truck and a splash into the boat.
  9. Its painful pulling a boat at the present time and having to deal with citiots who have never towed anything. GTFO of the way, men are towing.
  10. Trail is afraid of people who think for themselves and standup for Canadians.
  11. So the MSM misinformed Canada about the protests?
  12. I personally know of people who were in trucks for 15 days in Ottawa that didn't receive 1 cent....
  13. It isn't comparable because the truckers and people that are protesting aren't starting fires at railway crossings, throwing fire bombs on trains or smashing business's. I keep forgetting that the left in Canada think that peaceful protests without violence aren't appropriate.
  14. I seem to remember the blockades a few years ago by anti-Canadians. Remember when roads, railway crossings were blocks for weeks to months? Or can we call them anti-Canadians cause they are a minority?
  15. So should they have smashed windows, burnt buildings and flipped over cars?????
  16. whats the turn around for the motor?
  17. Trudeau is going to follow Queerbec with the tax. There isn't an honest politician in this country. They are all fucked in the head.
  18. street drugs still kill and cost more yearly then covid to the system...
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