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awful knawful

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Everything posted by awful knawful

  1. I thing the wife's 09 Ram is at 49k. I'll be getting it soon as I'm buying dads 14 Corrola to replace my 03 Camry. Wife always gets the newest vehicle.
  2. Hamilton Verstappen Ricciardo Stroll Ocon Bottas Raikonen Vettel Massa Vandoorne Nice to see the canuck on the second row! Ocon and Vandoorne did awesome as well. First time for McLaren in a while in Q3. Two Williams top 10. Ferrari, what happened? Record 69th pole for Hamilton!
  3. I'm gonna blame it on the drugs!
  4. Maybe something wrong with it. Hasn't moved in a month. Just got it this spring.
  5. My bud has a X5 4.4L? Must be brutal on fuel or broken cause he's driving his small acura car.
  6. How the fuck do you put that many miles on? I think I average 10k on car and 7k on truck a year. Wife works from home. My work is 1km away. You work on the road?
  7. I have all my shit inside! That's what I built my garage.
  8. Best truck I ever owned 89 Toyota V6 5 speed xtra cab 4x4. Dad bought it new had it 13 years. I got it drove it 9 years. Rebuilt starter twice, brushes in alternator, rheostat for fan speeds, fuel sending unit and a muffler every couple years. Brakes, oils , etc. Never any wheel bearings, front end parts, etc. 365k. And it worked.
  9. Can't be! Everyone says the Ram is junk!
  10. You have a rough night behind the sub shop princess?
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