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1jkw last won the day on December 11 2018

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  1. 1jkw


    I only see equipment like that when I go upstate NY. no tracks just dual or triple wheels, one huge farm milks 2600 head or maybe more now runs sheep's foot rollers on their silage pile that is guessing 4 or 5 football fields square and maybe 50' deep.
  2. 1jkw


    Barely any farms of any type here over a few hundred acres. My fields could sure use tiles, we have many springs in addition to the daily rains we seem to get now.
  3. 1jkw


    Most have but the few that remain here do it because they love farming and still remain somewhat profitable. There aren't any really large cash crop farms here, too rocky, hilly, shallow topsoil, and hard pan under it, and tariffs generally aren't good for them or the farmers that but corn, oats ect.
  4. 1jkw


    China was is and Trump didn't name them so on day one like he said. Afg. gov. was a joke but not including them and letting 5000 taliban fighters out of jail was stupid. No I wanted them out after they got obl. Trump had no plan let alone one to cost half as much. Google or youtube Trumps own words about the US helping them in Yemin.
  5. 1jkw


    Certainly helped it along, so did PPP and stimulus checks. Now were those policies I mentioned the one you liked?
  6. 1jkw


    My rear brake pads, caliper's, and brake pads went from $268.00 to $400.00 for my truck, and weren't readily available, my tractor dealer told me to buy any pins, bushings or other accessories right away because they were going to cost more than they were then selling them for. The already strained supply chain was really exacerbated by the pandemic.
  7. 1jkw


    Polices like naming China a currency manipulator on day one, replacing the ACA with a plan that has better coverage at half the cost, ending wars, letting 5000 taliban prisoners out and leaving 2500 US Troops and not involving the Afgahanastan govt., whoring out US military to SA. I far from think there is a perfect candidate. His China trade deal was/ is a joke to anyone except his supporters. Simple, when feed, every form of bailing material, tractor and bailer parts prices goes up and availability goes down it hurt farmers.
  8. 1jkw


    It was me, look at how many dairy farms went out just after the tariffs, the farm next to my house who I let take hay from about 25 acres gave it up due to the higher costs as did many other farmers who still wanted to farm but just couldn't due to costs. My horse feed is down considerably now from 2018 to 2023
  9. 1jkw


    Our county lost most of our dairy farms, there are 8 now up from 7 and down from around 30 before, my horse feed went up over $6.00 per hundred, the soy oil doubled in price per LB after the tariffs. If there was no effect on farmers why the need for a huge bailout? I guess debt, bailouts, and deficit spending are all good as long as it's Trump doing it.
  10. 1jkw


    No one, sad isn't it?
  11. 1jkw


    Are you sure about that, it wasn't done by his request? Raising debt and deficits are great polices now. Tariffs that bankrupted farmers and a bailout bigger than the auto bailout, sounds dreamy. Rember when a real economy needed to have at least 3% interest rates and a higher GDP ? Always the victim. I'm sorry you are struggling so bad, maybe we can do a fund raiser for you. I think Biden is a demented old fool, that said even with high interest rates, UE is low, Stock market up, and revenue is up all the things that were thought to be wonderful under Trump. Neither one is fit to be president.
  12. 1jkw


    You give him a pass on everything like a good little cult follower. Not like his SIL got 2 billion or anything. He is also entitled to the blame for what happens at said rallies.
  13. 1jkw


    I didn't say that, I say if you are going to have a private rally pay your own security, and take responsabilty for the problems you created, pretty simple.
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