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Highmark last won the day on April 5 2023

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About Highmark

  • Birthday 08/24/1970

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  1. The modern idiot starter pack. Defend the vaccines (big Pharma) and virus response under all circumstances because you got the jab numerous times. Well except anything Trump did. Support borrowing billions for Ukraine because Russia is going to take over all of Europe. Hate Trump.
  2. Too bad more democraps wouldn't stand up to those in their party moving too far to the left. I never understood what is wrong with wanting things like lower spending, a realistic immigration deal that actually stops people from coming in not put a ridiculous per day or per week cap before anything can be done and last but not least stopping sending 100's of billions of dollars in weapons and aide that we ourselves have to borrow for. Let them fucking borrow it.
  3. Well considering over 70 democraps refused to go to his inauguration because they felt the election was rigged by Russia, they were talking impeachment the day after the 2016 election and the DOJ and IC were already spinning falsehoods for an impeachment narrative (Russia Collusion for one) I'd hardly say Trump himself changed "the role of being potus." Oh hell what am I saying they were talking about possible impeachment months before even when he wasn't even the nominee yet. https://www.politico.eu/article/could-donald-trump-be-impeached-shortly-after-he-takes-office-us-presidential-election-2016-american-president-impeachment/
  4. What's more concerning 20% voting for Haley or the states where Biden had huge numbers voting Anyone else but him.
  5. OMG!!!! What a disaster. Indiana is a “partially open” primary state. This allows voters to cross party lines, however, they must first publicly declare their ballot choice. Ballot selection may also be regarded as a form of registration with the selected party.
  6. So even with as much as you dislike him you think this trial is justifiable means to hurt him?
  7. Putting him in jail would be the greatest campaign gift ever given to a candidate. Won't ever happen....judge might order home confinement but even that is extremely unlikely.
  8. Many, many drugs are taken for things other than their intended purpose. Typically called off label. Sometimes its recognized in trials then becomes common sometimes benefits aren't realized until after FDA approval for original use. Viagra is an example of a drug designed for one benefit that trials showed another.
  9. How many deaths or serious side effects could've the vaccine caused?
  10. Not always but the one on Hydroxychloroquine showing to be effective with some people with COVID was true. It was found to be effective against SARS COV 1 (lab) in 2005 which is very similar genetically to SARS COV 2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1232869/
  11. https://editorial.victoriahealth.com/most-of-us-have-intestinal-parasites
  12. Has many benefits and is extremely safe. Not unlike taking a baby aspirin. Many people feel we commonly have parasites' that lead to other minor health issues such as inflammation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7476419/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7539925/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9262706/
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