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Justin Trudeau is Doing a Great Job


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CPC MEDIA tries to ruffle Trudeau's feathers 



NO ATTACK on how unfair that question is



Our next PM will not be answering any questions that are not asked by his private MEDIA TEAM.


I wonder if this wlll be an issue having a PM with its own MEDIA 


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Extremely RICH FARMERS spend hundreds of dollars on fuel driving heavy equipment 100km to protest fuel costs :lol:

Average tractor gets 1 km per litre 


Yup they look like they are hurting 



Edited by 1trailmaker
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23 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

Alberta is one hate filled place 



East coast must be as well as they are also holding peaceful protests

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59 minutes ago, toslow said:

Says peaceful protest, what's your complaint?

It is illegal to be on the side of the highway like ONTARIO you can't even walk on a highway :dunno: 

all those cops brought in to remove idiots protesting what?  Carbon Tax? fucksakes 

HATE HATE AND HATE is all those flag wavers spew


Get off the highway, go to work 

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48 minutes ago, toslow said:

East coast must be as well as they are also holding peaceful protests

All the organized protests are from alberta head quarters just like COVID and everything else hateful in Canada,  

True North Canada Proud Rebel News all have work out of Alberta 

fuck your hate I am sick of these fucks 

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Just now, 1trailmaker said:

What is PP saying about it?  NOTHING is what he is saying


I wonder why

why would he?

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Must be unemployed CPC voters 

Blocking highways is illegal even if you hate Trudeau it is still illegal.

ToSlow thinks it is great and safe and it wouldn't bother him a bit if he was stopped on a highway


notice all these people look very similar :dunno:  dirty, fat, bearded, anger, no knowledge


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This fool is given a spot light then complains that he isn't allowed to protest under Trudeau :lol: 

Why is this guy even have a microphone?  holy fuck

300000 signed a document requesting an election and Trudeau refused to acknowledge it :lol: holy fuck


REBEL CPC MEDIA is hot on this 



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How many times can PP state he will TAKE CONTROL OF ALL PROVINCES JURISDICTIONS when in power


here states Trudeau is making rules for BC hospitals which he doesn't have anything to do with it.





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