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Russia and Rump....

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:news:  More good news for the country....

And just as foreign policy has come to the forefront of the campaign, Clinton has widened her edge over Trump as more trusted to handle foreign policy (59% Clinton to 36% Trump, up from a 5-point split following the GOP convention) and has pulled even with Trump on handling terrorism (48% each -- Trump was +11 after the GOP convention) and ISIS (48% Clinton to 47% Trump -- was a 13-point Trump lead after the GOP convention).

Clinton also has an advantage now on most domestic issues, yet her edge on what has consistently held as voters' top issue -- the economy -- is too small to be statistically significant: 50% trust her, 48% Trump. 

Clinton holds her widest lead over Trump on handling race relations, 61% trust her vs. 34% who trust Trump. 

She also has a double-digit edge on health care (+15), nominating justices to the Supreme Court (+14), immigration (+12) and trade with other countries (+10). 

Mapping out states key for Clinton, Trump to hit 270
Mapping out states key for Clinton, Trump to hit 270 02:25

Clinton tops Trump by single-digits on handling the criminal justice system (50% Clinton to 43% Trump) and violence against police officers (Clinton 49% to Trump 44%). Trump has a narrow 2-point edge on handling gun policy.

This poll marks the first time in CNN/ORC polling this election cycle that Democrats are more likely than Republicans to say they're enthusiastic about voting in the fall. About half of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters (51%) say they are extremely or very enthusiastic about voting for president, compared with 41% among Republican and Republican-leaning voters.




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 At the recent Democratic National Convention, the party of the donkey worked overtime at remaking Hillary Clinton's image from one of an ethically challenged political operator to one of a caring champion of children and families. But as new revelations about her shady dealings with Russia emerge, it may all be for nought.

New revelations from Peter Schweizer, the author of the meticulously documented book "Clinton Cash," and Stephen K. Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart, show that Hillary's campaign Chairman John Podesta "sat on the board of a small energy company alongside Russian officials that received $35 million from a Putin-connected Russian government fund."

Making things worse, Podesta never fully disclosed the relationship, as the law requires. But of greater concern than Podesta is what it says about Clinton's strange and mutually beneficial relationship with Russia that led to Clinton lending a hand in helping Vladimir Putin build Skolkovo, a high-tech community meant to be "the Russian equivalent of America's Silicon Valley."

This is not some sort of free-enterprise experiment. As the authors detail in a study published by the Government Accountability Institute, some 30,000 workers toiled in the state-of-the-art tech hub "under strict governmental control." While Clinton was in charge at the State Department, the U.S. recruited a bunch of U.S. high-tech powerhouses -- including Google, Cisco and Intel -- to take part in the project. Of the 28 companies from the U.S., Europe and Russia that took part, 17 were donors to the Clinton Foundation or paid for Bill Clinton to give speeches.

It's yet another stunning example of the Clinton Foundation's growing list of conflicts of interest, suggesting that Hillary used the State Department's offices to line her family's pockets through the Clinton Foundation. Don't forget that, with her email carelessness on her home-brew server during her tenure as secretary of state, Hillary has already exposed the United States' most secret information to the Russian government. As radio talk show host and law professor Hugh Hewitt noted Monday: "Hillary is already a Putin pawn."


This was no accident. Nor was it innocent. FBI Assistant Special Agent Lucia Ziobro in 2014 sent a letter to several U.S. corporate participants in the project warning: "The (Skolkovo) foundation may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation's sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application."

Ziobro continued, "The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by the government, is to gain access to classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies."

Which brings us back to Podesta. He sat on the board of a tiny energy company named Joule Unlimited, write Bannon and Schweizer. A mere two months after he joined the board, Rusnano, founded by Vladimir Putin in 2007, invested $35 million in the company. Podesta sat on three separate boards of Joule-affiliated corporate entities, but only reported two.

Moreover, Podesta's own leftist think tank, the Center for American Progress, got $5.25 million from a group called the Sea Change Foundation in the four years ending in 2013. Sea Change, in return, had received what the authors call "a large infusion of funds from a mysterious Bermuda-based entity called 'Klein Ltd.,' " which appears to have Russian ties.

This puts Clinton's actions while in office under deep suspicion -- including her enabling a "reset" with Russia that seems to have led to a resurgent Russia expanding its military, diplomatic and economic power in Eastern Europe and the Mideast.

In a wide-ranging interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, Hillary suggested that Donald Trump "has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin, whether it's saying that NATO wouldn't come to the rescue of allies if they were invaded, talking about removing sanctions from Russian officials after they were imposed by the United States and Europe together, because of Russia's aggressiveness in Crimea and Ukraine, his praise for Putin which is I think quite remarkable."

Extraordinary chutzpah.

Last May, Clinton told MSNBC's Closing Bell that she had been the "most transparent public official in modern times." If you simply replaced "most" with "least" that statement would be true. What's sad is the mainstream media will once again do their best to cover up and ignore this latest scandal, which reeks of illicit payola. In other words, just another day in the ethically challenged campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Peter Schweizer

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