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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Zambroski


    Jesus....I don't know whether to laugh or cry or what when reading this thread...So, I'll laugh. But gross. BTW, this brother/sister type of incest is quite real in the black community. Met a good negro once that told me he used to get drunk and "do" his sister....no biggie! The way he told it...we couldn't help but laugh. I think he went to work for the fire department. SO....whatever.
  2. I was thinking the same exact thing. This guy has had a glass spine since his first injury. What a shame. Nice guy too. Met him once at a fundraiser. It's just not worth being wheelchair bound the rest of your life to show everyone how "tough and hard" you are.
  3. Or better yet....try doing a little bit of defending Hillary for her little "indescretions". Good luck doing that without looking like a complete idiot. I love the "Our complete and immoral idiot is so much better than yours" arguments. Brainless Lib-tard trash. What a joke. "Intellectual elite". Smile for the camera! Say "Cheeeeese"......
  4. Hey retard, it's not about "his rights", it's about making a little show of himself during an event where it is commonplace and ceremonious to start these events. I don't give a fuck if he doesn't want to stand there with his hand over his heart and mouth the words. I don't even give a fuck if he jogs in place (like they almost do anyway). What I care about is him deciding this is where he is going to make his own little "stand" against "oppression" (and what a fucking joke that is for him to do) while the nation has to sit there and watch it. I equate it to those stupid negros blocking traffic with the "right to free speech and right to gather". Those rights are being confused and accepted by the ignorant and repulsive liberals that an individuals "rights" can interfere with other citizens rights...as long as the "cause" is "just". What a crock of fucking shit. And what a leader the Niners have for their team now to put them all in a negative spot-light and on the record in an uncomfortable place when asked what they think of it. It's piss fucking poor leadership and horrific judgment....but, that's the Libtard Democratic way now...right? What a load of shit. You are pathetic for thinking that too. HEAD TO THE POLLS ALL YE HILLARY SUPPORTERS!
  5. Zambroski


    I don't know...these are creepy threads though.
  6. I accidentally left the tv on CNN in my office this morning while reading the news (or searching for it within the garbage). I just got tired of listening to the spin they are putting on everything. I know it's what they are about now but I swear it sounded like a bunch of tabloid reporters cackling about random gossip. But of course, passing it off as facts under the guise of being a "legitimate" news source. Amazing. Not a lot of reporting on how Trump rallies are chanting "lock them up" referring to the news media. And the MSM's are smart for that.
  7. Trump's not gonna do anything. It's the administration he will put in place I am excited about. Although I was less than impressed with his pick for VP (WHY NO NEWTY?).
  8. So...your bet for the $500 on the side of this just all being bullshit and will never result in anything? Is that right?
  9. Really, I can't wait to see the Trump ads. If he holds back there...I'll be disappointed. The only question is, where to start. Holy crap...so much ammo to try and get in 30 seconds. So many senate hearings to pull sound bites from....AMAZING sound bites. Whew!...a daunting task.
  10. Maybe not...and I don't really care if you learn anything. All I really want to do is punish you. Whatever learning you do will be up to you....and you'll have plenty of time to think about things in physical therapy. Now go ahead....think this isn't real. Think this is "just internet fodder". Wanna bet? How's $500 sound?
  11. You are such a fucking clueless idiot. HOLY SHIT....dumb as gravel! If you think you're gonna make it to your car and lock yourself in before I can get my hooks on you...forget it chinless. That only worked for you once and you were'nt even being chased! You fucking coward pussy!
  12. It's about respect you fucking roach. Something I'm going to teach you. Oh...and that bet you are throwing out there again like a retard...ours is still valid. And I'll keep reminding you of that. And I'm curious....do you act like this at your employer? Through emails or other ways? Really? Why not? You are a fucking Lib-tard troll poseur that's why. Now...go preach your indoctrination horse shit to your own captive audience.......at your house.
  13. Actually, it is not. And here's why: His actions are NOT what makes America great. His actions are nothing more than the actions of a selfish and spoiled athlete who thinks he can use his fame and celebrity to force paying Americans to witness his "Soap box spectacle." Nothing more. If he wants to do that shit he can...out on his own...without the fans being held captive and forcing him to do so. And "the flag represents different things to different people" has to be the stupidest fucking statement I've ever heard on here. The American flag represents...READY? AMERICA! So, let us all apologize as paying Americans to poor, poor Colin. Who feels he is being "slighted" after 8 years the war cry "Change" clearly pandering to African-Americans. Oh...and also apologize to him for his multi-year, multi-million dollar contracts payed for by the same Americans that he just shit on. You know what.....the post by your Ass-baby SR and this one commenting about a "good post" are why Trump is in the running in the first place. You two ingrates are just to stupid to figure out how. Get your fucking head right and stop acting like a god damn turnip.
  14. Here is the big "matzah ball" out there; as the leader of the team, how many of his team mates were sitting beside him? Yep......ZERO. You think they are commending him for his "right to protest" now? Nope. Vote Hillary!
  15. He is such a fucking idiot! Everybody's place of employment now has the right to protest as they choose? I wonder, how many protests he conveys to his employer/employees...or how many politically charged messages he floats around his work intranet. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................................
  16. I spent 15 years in the South. That shit is everywhere. A lot of people get hosed down there. God I love the North and the cold! Not really much for poisonous reptiles or spiders up here. Just bees. Why do I crave a honey and peanut butter sandwich now?
  17. Ahhh...that was pretty much it. Never had a snake bite or anything serious. The Brown Recluse was the ABSOLUTE worst though. I didn't even feel the bite in my boot. It wasn't until later that night that I noticed something was very, very wrong. Holy fuck! I thought I was gonna lose my foot...seriously. That venom is nasty. It rots your tissue away from the inside. My foot still has the scars that look like it was skin graphed.
  18. Yes, but most aren't smart enough to stop making the same poor decisions over and over....which gets us to the second bold.
  19. Your Avi is disturbing....and funny as hell.
  20. Who gives a shit about him...another stupid Negro. He can ride his disrespectful ass right into retirement. And I thought Obama made it better for minorities? No? It's been 8 fucking years...now they wanna complain. Pea brains.
  21. I was a little younger and stomped over a yellow jacket nest. I ran down the hill and into the lake. Had over 20 stings on my legs and face. Just ate a bowl of ice cream and was good. I remember the pain itched a bit though. Kinda weird. Been bitten and stung by a ton of shit since. Got a nasty scorpion sting in the desert that gave me a limp for a while. Also got a brown recluse bite in the arch of my foot that rotted away a good chunk of skin. Really gross! Two Black Widows..nothing big...a few spasms and a "weezy" feeling for a bit. I did get popped pretty good in the hand three times by some nasty wasps a few years back that swelled my hand up pretty good. I called it my "Hamburger Helper Hand". I guess i'm lucky...none of that shit bothers me too much.
  22. I gotta wonder, how many of these voters for Trump are actually "Trump Supporters" vs. how many just cannot stand to think that Hillary, the creative fugitive from justice that she is, could actually become president. Hillary voters are "supporters"...yes, idiots to the core. But I believe most Trump supporters are just plain Anti-Hillary.
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