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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Just got done watching the end of “Heartbreak Ridge” I take it all back AMG.
  2. Nobody to blame but themselves. It is, I’ll admit I’m still laughing my ass off. But I’m not so sure I want one party to reign so handily for the next decade. But, again, Dems have decided to split 5’s and go all-in on their game of Yahtzee. “KING ME!” Idiots like I’ve never seen before.
  3. Awww shucks. I was really kinda pulling for a dem win. I mean, when can they have one? Somebody throw them a bone. Wait....was this Russia’s fault?
  4. Oh, let the libs have a win. If there ever was a worthless, whiney pathetic bunch of repulsive idiots that needed it win...it has to be them. Let them strut around tomorrow for a few hours feeling all “winning”.
  5. I know this is going to send some off to Triggerville but, I wonder how many of these little pieces of shit this cop endured before he just pulls out his gun and “gets even”. But I’m sure some here think his punks actions are admirable. Did that smooth mutha Tell the cop he had “shit fucking breath”? Hey, I say, it’s always good to risk death with a few good jokes!
  6. Fuck if I know. One thing you got to do that is just fucking bad ass is ride on the top of a sub at sea. I NEVER GOT TO DO THAT!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!
  7. I’d fucking low crawl into battle before being made to ride in that fucking bullet magnet. Most of those jalopies don’t make it anyway, the bloakey nerds from the UN play funny and shoot out their tires!
  8. BTW, the “tab” is just a school. The scroll is a way of life!!!!!!! Oh, to add....about 40% wash out of the school. But hey, NICE WHEELZ! Is that to help it float? ZOOOOOOM!!!!! “SOMEBODY SHUT THE BACK FUCKING DOOR!!!!. WE AREN’T AIR CONDITIONING THE WHOLE FUCKING BEACH HEAD!!! HORAH!!!!!!”
  9. Yes you are!!!! YES YOU ARE!!!!!! SAY IT!!!!!! SAY IT!!!!!!!
  10. You know it was over protest that they did that stinging segment. Poor CNN. Fighting democracy, justice, facts, non-biased journalism and Trumpy. And taking an ass handing the whole way!
  11. Yeah, I heard he kept screaming “Momo!” as he laughed dropped those 13 year old moozlums. Nobody knew why but they just laughed along.
  12. BTW, that’s Xtra with the birth control goggles. I’ve got 20/20!!!
  13. Meh, they just had him pop a couple of Palistinean terrorist children in training between the eyes and called him “good”.
  14. Your “Marines”, your “Marine infantry”. I don’t care, my comment stands. Fact is, the wash out rate is much, MUCH higher just to even get to Batt. And I forgot to mention about a 1 in 10 will still quit the battalion once they get there due to work load, being “peered out” or just doing something stupid and getting fired. PLUS....you have two years to be selected and attend AND PASS Ranger school or, down the road you go. I’ve trained with you jar heads. A few times. A solid bunch. A bit too cocky but...that comes with the haircut I guess. Also worked with a recon fuck face pretty tight for about 6 months. He was pretty squared away. Army Ranger > Marine. SUCK IT!!!!!
  15. Of course you got it. I wasn’t referring to you. And you’re god damn right you approve of this message!!!!! 2nd fucking Stanza......HOAH!!! Where’s Benny? This shit drives him crazy. @f7ben
  16. “Special units aren’t special!!!!!! They just get to do special things and have gobs of money to do it and they arent better trained and better selected than any Marine!!!!!!!!!” Maybe if you half-witted flat topped, leg-ass, heel toe, yut fucking, Horah sand dwellers weren’t such a block of Gumby fucking retards, the DoD may feel more inclined about increasing your toy and training money instead of giving you a nice looking suit with a pig-sticking butter knife hanging off the side. Hit the mother fucking beach you fucking JARHEAD!!! ahhh...this is more fun over a table of empty beer bottles. Nobody here gets any of this shit.
  17. You guys are making a big fuss. Also expensive and gruesome. A shady spot in the grass, a half bottle of sleeping pills and some fine drinkage wound work for me if I wanted to go out with no muss/no fuss. Pass over peacefully into whatever’s next and the wife can just call the meat wagon to clean you off the lawn.
  18. ....oh, almost forgot. Funny and a blatantly disrespectful little shit that deserves to have all his teeth jerked out of his face. Not by the officer through, by his father.
  19. Clearly a racist in that car. But at least he’s funny.
  20. Be careful what you wish for. Ten years ago this would ba an absurd statement. But, we just got to chose between Trump and Hillary. Aren't there towns electing pets as city administrators and mayors? What gender are they? smh...and giggling....just a little.
  21. LeBron should start kneeling during the nat’l anthem. ....but it will be for “social injustices” wink, wink.
  22. Yeah, that’s weird. There wasn’t a person in America or a leader of the black community that thought that until he ran against Hillary. All those awards and accolades from America’s top black leadership for bettering their communities and contributing to their cause were all bullshit. Sit by MC.
  23. Oh. My god. Trump’s called people dumb his whole life. Please, just kill yourself. But first, click on CNN. I know. I was trying to be charming. No good?
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