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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. Ask Mary. She sued the FDA and won. Most of her prescription were never filled by the pharma.
  2. That's really the bottom line. Even Merck who owns IVM didn't care once it went off patent, since there was no money to be made of IVM even in a bullshit global plandemic. For those who said Dr's were free to prescribe it, most pharmacies refused to fulfill it. A total co-ordinated sham.
  3. Poor Stupid Stheve. Poor Deepfaggot. Poor Fagden.
  4. Yes, you've been wrong for 4+ years. 20 million lives saved, masks stopped 32 million cases of the flu.
  5. How so? People were forced to keep their employment. You listened to your clueless Dr who was making bank for every injection. It was never about your health. We are now 4 years after the biggest scam perpetrated on mankind and many here still have no fucking clue.
  6. There is no comeback for you. I told you, you would be the last to get a clue and here we are.
  7. The fuck it doesn't. Cuomo's Dr was giving it to his own kids. They wouldn't have been given emergency authorization if they admitted that. This is about $$$ and sense. Glad you never saw through any of it.
  8. Can't make this shit up. But unlike Deepfaggot and Fagden, he at least is starting to see the truth. Even he finally admits is was all lies spun by public health. Why? Any clues as to why Deepfaggot, Fagden? But it wasn't globally co-ordinated.
  9. You're the king of idiots. Over four years later and still no clue to the biggest scam in the history of humanity. There is no comeback from that.
  10. What's the matter, you took a break from the court play by play and still don't have a clue what even occurred.
  11. There never was a case. Except in the minds of fools. And there are many fools.
  12. Even this fucking bitch. But not Deepfaggot and the flock.
  13. What a fucking clueless moron. At least Cuomo is starting to clue, but it took a serious vax injury for that to happen. Stay strong.
  14. The only thing Deepfaggot owns, is getting owned.
  15. Even Andrew Cuomo tells you you were dumb complicit sheep to comply. Poor Fagden and Deepfaggot.
  16. Of course, you missed the point. This is what your party Dems actually thinks of blacks. Pretty racist and over your fucking head.
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