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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. Or desperation. They are losing their base.
  2. This opinion was written in Feb. There is another reason it came out now.
  3. Unrelated? You're a special kind of stupid, what event changed, this is being seen worldwide. Get a fucking clue.
  4. Again there is zero benefit to getting the vax to prevent covid as seen once again below. This is Ontario. Now go add the excess deaths from other reasons.
  5. Looking like Sotomayor's clerk. We'll see.
  6. What happened to lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me. After that, I got nothing.
  7. If there's a 40% increase in excess mortality as verified by the insurance underwriters, does that count as a positive for you? Regardless of vax status. Do you need that to be peer reviewed?
  8. Oh it gets worse and this piece of shit traitor is behind the misinformation campaign while keeping the snowflakes safe. Biden is just the stooge.
  9. It's looks to be legit. Nobody is calling it otherwise.
  10. The sheep are anxiously awaiting their misinformation gods (msm) to call this fake so they can be relieved. It won't happen though.
  11. The vax is supposed to keep people from getting the virus, it doesn't. It's that's simple. This vax does not do that, it's that simple. This vax is useless and only creates more variants, it's that simple. Changing the definition of a vaccine doesn't fool anyone except sheep. It's that simple.
  12. Who do you two faggots agree with the self peer reviewed Fisman or the real experts who are calling him out for bullshit. The unvaxxed are hurting the vaxxed. This was just a few days ago. This is the type of blatant propaganda misinformation bullshit I am referring to.
  13. The variants are driven by a leaky vaccine, ie what we have as opposed to a sterilizing one like polio was. This is common knowledge, sorry if you don't understand. As for negative efficiency, look at the young almost zero deaths during the first and supposed deadliest wave but now more have shifted to them, this is not normal. It's the vax.
  14. No I didn't. I said the vaccines are driving more variants. This is virology 101. Get a clue. Well more people are dying who are vaxxed compared to the unvaxxed. All case mortality, but you have tunnel vision and can't process critical thought. Just look at the countries with low vax uptake to confirm. Anything else?
  15. Even pot works better against covid than the vax.
  16. What about the Jew working with the WEF who just said, its unfortunate Hitler didn't have this technology back then. The tech they want to insert into humans to hack them. No need for conspiracies.
  17. Remember when people said adverse events were causing an increase in cancers, myocarditis, nervous system disorders several times over the five year baseline? Remember when Tom Renz stated the dod data yet you said that was a glitch and even fact checked it? Well, it's all true, and here's a chart that shows that. btw Renz is in the courts no pushing that obvious conspiracy, but you wouldn't know that with the garbage sources you go to.
  18. The last remaining goalposts you have to hang by is "you won't die as bad from covid if vaxxed" That's it. So much for stopping infections or stopping transmitting covid. So much for masks, lab leak. Etc etc i can go on if you need a multipage.
  19. Again moron, the excess deaths are higher now than in 2020, especially in the 25-65 year olds as confirmed by insurance data. What could it be, these are all vaxxed.
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