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Everything posted by jtssrx

  1. I don’t support republicans. I haven’t since 2006. I have no use for Republicans or Democrats. It’s funny that you list Republicans when Democrats are the biggest supporters of a police state right now. The party that once championed free speech wants to now silence speech.
  2. What authority? If you said the Patriot act I’d agree that was bad. The problem is most dumbfucks don’t know why it’s bad. But what else besides that?
  3. If true Jordan should be out. Who knows what’s true. I find it interesting that Jordan has been in congress for years and this guy never came out before. This smells like the democrats Kavanaugh playbook. also Jimmy you should stfu!! MSU has a rape problem that you say nothing about. Not only the Nassar rapes but rapists on the football and basketball teams. MSU is a garbage institution and as I said you don’t say anything about that.
  4. It wasn't within the guidelines and Trump tweeted after the DOJ slapped these dipshits down. Furthermore sending him to jail for lying to Congress is a joke. It's well documented that this happens all the time and no one goes to jail for it
  5. You do understand Manafort was sentenced to 4 years and he committed real crimes. You don’t think the 9 years sentence recommendation was excessive?
  6. The guy admitted to cops he did it because he hates Trump. This is very similar to the Bernie bro who shot up the Republican softball team practice and almost killed Steve Scalise. Can you imagine if a Maga hat wearing Trump supporter shot up a democrat event they would be talking about it still to this day. Much like the lie they repeat that Trump called white supremacist very fine people after the Charlottesville incident
  7. Fuck him and fuck Hollywood. All those fucks wanted him back on the show
  8. Jackoffs selling aftermarket turbo kits isn’t the same thing as an oem giving you a factory built turbo. But I guess I wouldn’t put anything past polaris. Look at the 19 850 compared to the 20. The motor is a ton different
  9. Well I talked for about two hours to both Joe and Howard Haack two of the best tuners about it. You know the two guys that have setup some of the fast turbo sleds in the world the last two years. They usually have inside information about what’s coming out. I specifically asked about the Polaris and both said the current 850 motor isn’t suitable for a turbo application
  10. Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, typically refers to a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the .
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