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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Skidude600

  1. Always liked Popeye Z, but have to admit I'm kind of disappointed that he joined the quitter club. Didn't take him to be the sort, but CKF made it look pretty easy.
  2. My youngest is at Ft. Hood with the 1st Cav. He hasn't said anything, but I can't say that it isn't in the back of my mind.
  3. Is that Joe Biden last cognitive test or Hunters next masterpiece?
  4. None of them look Mexican to me. What say you Woodtick?
  5. So you're fishing expeditions are serious business and not a game to you? Thanks for clarifying.
  6. lol! It was a tongue in cheek, sarcastic comment aimed at the current administration. As HM stated I don't think we have anything to worry about.
  7. It might not be a bad thing. I would at least think that whoever was in charge would actually close the border.
  8. Who gives a shit! If it makes a certain segment of the population feel better, then so be it. Doesn't affect me one bit. Don't like it don't go sit on his lap......
  9. Naw. That would be the crazy lefties. Righties believe in self defense.
  10. Active driver. Ban all SUV's and limit them to 1000 lbs......
  11. That idiot should have been pounced on by the bailiff. never, ever. ever should have a finger on the trigger unless you plan on pulling it. Yes I realize there's no mag in it. Doesn't matter. Moron!!
  12. Neither has yours. Maybe if you wore your diaper where it's supposed to be instead of on your noggin you'd be able to see that.
  13. I swear if they(Washington) spent as much time governing as they have chasing bullshit like this in the last 20 yrs we'd be golden. Way to go Maine JT....
  14. If 100% of the population were vaccinated would the covid be eradicated? Asking for a friend.
  15. Thank You to all of you who have given a portion of your lives to this country.
  16. I've passed a couple on the highway with manufactures plates. Fuglyer than Ridgeline.
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