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Everything posted by Tomas.

  1. Don't take this as I want the conservatives out. Dane Lloyd is my mp. I like a lot of what they are doing. But they are still politicians. They are still lying scumbags lol. They all are. It just comes down to how much lying and corruption the majority of the people can live with.
  2. Not getting stat pay if you haven't worked for a place for 30 days prior to the stat for a start. Alberta voted conservative 40 something years in a row and then because of the conservative Premier at the time was caught basically stealing money, NDP was voted in as a protest vote around 7 years ago. Now we are back to a conservative government who made some bad changes like the one I mentioned. The NDP have quite a bit of support because they are much more friendly to workers and unions. (Alberta has a lot of unions because it is the nature of oil feild work).
  3. Issues completely unrelated to COVID mandates.
  4. Our current UCP government has been quite good for firearms owners but have been trash in a lot of other ways like workers rights. Not everyone is a single issue firearms voter.
  5. It will but you greatly underestimate the urban voters of Edmonton and Calgary
  6. We do for now. Election is coming fast and Danielle is very controversial. Nobody knows if she will still in charge come May.
  7. If it passes. Even the NDP have come out against it and the Liberals needed their vote to push it. Nothing will happen till summer next year at the earliest. They are non restricted so the government won't know you have it unless you tell them with social media or the like
  8. AR180's are still legal and non restricted lol. This is what my place looks like for deer mid day.
  9. Tomas.


    Those early gen prelude's had real decent engines in them. Edit: I was taking a closer look and man that thing is clean!! Here is a couple of pictures back when my car was actually nice lol
  10. Tomas.


    Yes it is. 1997 WRX. Bought it in 2015.
  11. Tomas.


    I agree. Who needs air bags?
  12. Good watch about a Canadian veteran who called into veteran affairs and was suggested that he commit suicide and the phone operator would help https://youtu.be/AZq7FdkugXQ
  13. I just picked up my first Google phone last week, 7 pro. It is good so far. A few weird things it has done like on first start up they keyboard wouldn't appear so I had to restart it and that fixed it. The biggest thing I don't like is that you cannot double tap the screen to turn off the screen/lock phone. I don't feel like giving Tim Cook a blood sacrifice to join the apple cult lol. Buddy says he wishes he could get a phone with Samsung's hardware and Google's software.
  14. The list is at the bottom of the short article https://firearmrights.ca/full-list-of-firearms-banned-through-c-21-revealed/
  15. The biggest gun org is the Canadian Coalition for Firearms rights. They are currently taking the government to court over all this shit. Up here, being labeled similar to the NRA is a bad thing. Guns just aren't a major part of everyone's life like they are down there thanks to the second amendment. Most people are very uneducated on the subject. So when there is a pile of (gang) shootings in the metropolitan areas, it isn't hard for the government to convince people that all guns are bad. It has been a goal of the Liberals and Liberal lite parties to disarm all of Canada for a long time. The Liberals of the last 30 years are not the same as the previous generation. Every time there is a mass shooting in the states, it factors in to the conversation up here even though the gun laws and regulations between our two countries are almost polar opposites.
  16. We cannot stop stuff like this because Canada doesn't have property rights. It takes votes to make a difference and most people are unaffected so they don't care.
  17. Of course healthy living is paramount to living a healthy life. But her stance is that if you have stage 4 cancer, it is your fault for letting it get to that point. Nevermind that children can get stage 4 cancer or that doctors can fail the patient and let it get to stage 4. I hate the wef as much as the next guy and I want reform. But Danielle is looney. Best clip I can find. Not sure if it will work as I don't have twitter https://twitter.com/thebreakdownab/status/1551111740263264256?lang=en
  18. While Kenny is a massive turd (like 99.9% of politicians) Danielle is not right in the head. She is literally on record blaming people for getting stage 4 cancer. https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/ucp-leadership-candidate-danielle-smith-under-fire-by-all-political-stripes-for-cancer-comments-1.6003219?&cid=ps:localnewscampaign:searchad:ds:edmontoncrawl&gclid=Cj0KCQjwteOaBhDuARIsADBqRegw_tVdschKgxc9D-nABaAXlIWopRfmjTkv4AtjpDDvYe7ttj-5gV8aAs_GEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  19. Lol. Danielle Smith is straight up bat shit crazy. It is unfortunate she is our premier. Brian was a way better option.
  20. Yes but still can't buy or transfer and handguns and ar15's and the like still have to remained locked up
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