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Everything posted by AKIQPilot

  1. The darts that hold the windshileds on are reasonably priced.
  2. He can't pardon Russia but yes, he could pardon Trump if he felt like it.
  3. Rick Perry is not the best choice but he will do fine when confirmed. Betsy Devos is a complete idiot. She has no business being in anyone's cabinet. Very poor choice. I highly doubt she will get confirmed. The others are fine.
  4. Obama will not pardon Hillary. If he did that would be admitting she is guilty of something. at this point in the game Obama wants everyone focused on Trump. Pardoning Hillary would indicate that the country made the right choice by electing Trump. Hillary won't be prosecuted either.
  5. I sent you a text when I signed up back in December. No surprise you never looked at it.
  6. Seems like nothing but speculation.
  7. Well lets just see all the emails and we can make our own conclusion.
  8. Dude, I'm unemployed now. All I'm looking for is cheap gas, cheap diesel and cheap jet fuel. Anything to save a few $$$ when take our trips to Asia and Europe and everywhere else. It's also nice to save a few bucks filling up the gas guzzling motorhome. It's all about me now. Fuck everyone else.
  9. And that grilling from Little Marco was just for show. Tillerson will be confirmed no problem.
  10. Recognize that too. We only drove through and had lunch there but that is a huge beach for sure.
  11. I think Tillerson is a great leader and I support him for SOS. I also recognize his ties with Russia and their many dealings with Exxon, BP, Chevron and a whole host of other oil companies. I totally support Russia working with American oil giants to explore and produce their vast reserves. I support buying oil from Russia rather than some shit hole country in the middle east. If I were king I would immediately broker deals to begin importing oil from Russia and stop all imports from the ME. In my opinion we need to become much more friendly with Russia. Solidarity with Russia is the only way we will defeat China. And that day is coming without question.
  12. Oh I totally agree. I watched the interview after you posted this thread. I don't claim to be the best reader of people but he seemed like he was telling the truth. The problem is he didn't have to say anything like what he said. He could have just denied it and moved on. For him to say, "if a tape does show up.........." is super strange behavior even for Trump.
  13. You have to admire Trump for taking that position.
  14. Exactly. You would have never said "if a tape does show up I will be very embarrassed" or anything to that effect. At this point I'm going with "Trump is just a dipshit" but those are strange words for someone who has completely denied everything.
  15. There won't be impeachment proceedings until Trump provides false testimony under oath. We aren't even to the point of Trump testifying at this point.
  16. No F'n way. I would like to dismiss his comments as him just being a dipshit but those were some pretty strange words coming from someone who has completely denied the event ever took place.
  17. I'm not saying they were either but there has been plenty of talk about it.
  18. Yea, they do. That's why Trump should just keep his mouth shut but he isn't smart enough for that.
  19. I'm not exactly sure but it seems to me that if people within the Trump Campaign were actually colluding with the Russian government over what emails were leaked and if Trump himself actually knew about this collusion then there may be something impeachable eventually. I realize he wasn't under oath when he denied everything but if these stories get some legs he will be called to testify and based on history he seems to have a hard time telling the truth. Again, I'm not sure there are any impeachable offences at this time but if everything in this report is true my guess is Trump will perjure himself at some point.
  20. Hahahaha. This could get very interesting. So if trump is impeached will the senate remove him from office? Quite likely.
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