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Everything posted by Snake

  1. cfk needs to change this to HSR Sledder because he seems to be dictating a whole lot of speech.... the 1st Amendment right to it USED TO BE the whole basis for this forum.... Man, everything good is going by the way side...
  2. That means they lie... If I was off by 20% I lost my job....
  3. Most moderate Muslims find the way radicals have a perverse view of the Koran to be a disgrace. Same way I think fundamentalist Christians have a pretty warped view of the Bible and I want nothing to do with them.... But hey, keep going for the 'edge'...
  5. Did you see the one where he is at a dealer, standing on the running boards of a sled, and a big old black dildo got chopped on the seat?
  6. Since McCarthy is the voice of reason.... now, anyway...: “Will Donald Trump be the nominee?” Costa asked. “Yes. In the Republican Party? Yes. And if Biden stays as the nominee for the Democrats, I believe Donald Trump will win. I believe that Republicans will gain more seats in the House and the Republicans will win the Senate,” McCarthy stated.
  7. 20% of jobs announced by Biden have been 'adjusted downward' this year...
  8. Democratic pollster and political strategist Stan Greenberg said Friday on CNN’s “OutFront” that the Democratic Party’s base voters gave former President Donald Trump higher approval ratings than President Joe Biden. Guest host John King said, “This is grim. Those are the words of the veteran Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg who teams up with James Carville at the Democracy Corps, found young voters, black voters, hispanic voters, LGBTQ voters, all of them collectively gave Donald Trump a higher approval rating than President Biden.” Greenberg said, “Yes. I reiterated it was grim because there is a path, the grim is in that the base is a problem. We’re behind in this race in the base. Approval of the president is lower than that of Trump in the base. Probably the hardest part about that is that if the issues at play, it’s not just we’re not doing well now and inevitably the structure of the race will come back.”
  9. Well, it's his entire existence in life to be here, so..................................................
  11. Problem is, most here spend more time wasting their lives here rather than fishing... Or riding... Or working...
  12. Holy fuck what a back read.... PMs to get people on 'their side'... 50 year old men who are off limits cause they are the president's 'family members'.... Romper Room had a more sophisticated membership...
  13. ^^^^^^^is what happens when an illiterate learns a new word like insecure.....
  14. His life saving serum courses through your veins. Praise God! I think you are a dweeb, but I thank Trump every day for keeping you alive, and he appreciates all you have done to help spread the word about the benefits of the life saving liquid you so readily partook of...
  15. Wow.... the democrats really want Joey gone from this election.... I guess a side effect is he will use this to keep from testifying to congress... anyone want to lay odds?
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