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Everything posted by ViperGTS/Z1

  1. Indirectly they will be as we get a fairer trade agreement and personally I am fine with my taxes going to the wall. Plus Im not a big fan of the Beaners in general...many don't speak well,treat their woman like crap,are overall rude and they drive like shit around here. I have no use for them....call me a rascist...Im fine with that.
  2. Been there many times....they become part of the family. Know what you're going through..it's brutal. Sorry to hear..Hang in there
  3. Well I guess in addition to Cohen we can add Lanny Davis to the list of lawyers to steer clear of. Another Hillary flunky. ---------- "Let us also not forget that President Clinton was entrapped into lying about his affairs and, although impeached, was acquitted by the Senate. The lesson was clear: We are not going to remove presidents for lying about who they had affairs with, nor even convict politicians on campaign finance violations for these personal payments."
  4. Nice drone footage.....better than building bridges like the dems suggested. Another promise kept. Trump FTW
  5. Not with half the FBI and DOJ on her side.....of course not.
  6. Im all for the wall....border security knows what goes on and they want it badly. Tons of scum coming in from Mexico....look at the crime rate in Mexico. They can stay there and I have absolutely no compassion for the families that use their children as pawns to enter either.....they get separated? ...Oh well. They now know what they're risking with a president who is finally enforcing the laws.
  7. The only problem I have with Trump is he had no reason to deny any of this from the get-go. Nothing was illegal about it
  8. You know it really will be a sin if they manage to unseat him.... the "investigation " definitely was started because they didn't like the results and now they will continue to dig until they find anything at all that is possibly impeachable. Really sad as this is the first president to really make some changes and for the better for nearly everyone.
  9. Really where do you think it's going? If he paid out of his own pocket there isnt even any campaign violation or anything illegal about it...just another blown up nothing to get you foaming at the mouth.
  10. Although no one would beleive it...may be the difference of life in prison or death penalty.
  11. Bull......here is your CNN...many dems want to outright abolish or radically change it. https://amp-cnn-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/07/02/politics/abolish-ice-democrats-list/index.html?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2018%2F07%2F02%2Fpolitics%2Fabolish-ice-democrats-list%2Findex.html
  12. Immigration law enforcement. ....now your side wants to abolish ICE...just goin backwards
  13. They shouldn't have been here in the first place Dopey ...it was totally avoidable
  14. Keep running on open borders dems....oh but the poor kids.
  15. Watching now....matter of time Unbelievable how they soften it. ....
  16. So what is it....a fine? In fact it may have not even been campaign money.. and no violation How does this tie to Russian collision which is the Holy Grail behind the Trump campaign
  17. Yup..... just a total waste of time money and resources. If they change their direction to the other side there's a treasure Trove awaiting.
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