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Everything posted by snoughnut

  1. I'm not complaining you dumb shit, I posted a pic stating facts. Good lord you're dumber than dirt.
  2. Things are not horrible for me Shtoopid Shteve, I'm just posting the facts. Actually things must be horrible for you if you have to resort to Mexican dentistry. Let us know when things get better for you.
  3. That's ok, just let the whole world know that Democrats suffer from severe mental illness.
  4. Nobody gives a shit about you because you're a pain in the ass and your topics are lame, feel better now?
  5. The fact that the cunt LeTWATcia James and judge Engoron the moron even had the power to bring it this far is disturbing.There was no crime and no victim. Just goes to show how far the modern day evil trash Democrats will go just for a political hit job. Intelligent Americans will make these greasy Democrats pay in the coming election.
  6. Swing and a miss there Shtoopid Shteve.
  7. Well, the last time I checked a husband/wife are a team. You more than likely consulted her or helped pay the bill because you we're too cheap to have it done in the states you squeaky bitch.
  8. Why are liberal retards like yourself so jealous of successful people? Yet Joe Biden and his flunky, drug addled son who you would like to fellate are wealthy and they haven't done a fucking thing except mooch off the taxpayer, just like you.
  9. Good lord, I thought you were dumb but this proves you're even dumber. This is a political hit job and nothing more and the Supreme Court will eventually step in and swat those 2 retards back to the dunce table which is exactly where you belong.
  10. She didn't own anybody but herself and if you believe that you're just as dense as her. She's an embarrassment and she's way out of her league.
  11. Yeah right because Russian Collusion was a real thriller, such a masterpiece. Give your head a shake.
  12. That looks like you in the Tijuana Tooth Fairy parking lot.
  13. See, you think just like the gorilla that started this case, you're cut from the same cloth.
  14. It's more about the case, it should have never happened in the first place which makes her a massive cunt.
  15. Every American should be disgusted at what is happening in New York, period.
  16. I highly doubt the courts in corrupt New York will do anything, the SC eventually will. This case is a total joke and needs to be tossed to the curb along with that fat cunt and nerd lawyer.
  17. I can't wait until the SC slaps that fat, ignorant, corrupt cunt LeTWATia James and that fucking retarded judge Engoron the moron right in the cocksucker, it's gonna go something like this.
  18. I made a small correction in your post, get it right next time dammit.
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