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Everything posted by Wildcat

  1. Its funny the fucking article says he ejected safely... yet the headline is "pilot killed" WTF which one is it. FFS
  2. Internet Cop. Wont get into specifics. Lets just say anything you do can be traced so dont be committing crimes via the computer your luck will eventually run out. I work on toys on the side for fun. Probably going to have a career change at some point here im still young enough to do that.
  3. Here's a project i finished up last season. Looking forward to riding this thing. 01 Sno Pro 440 with a minty fresh Hooper 700 motor. Left the 440 decals on there. lol I also have a 08 doo but i think we have those pics covered here.
  4. You make the rules... If you want him gone punt him. Don't think that life is fair and either is the internet. I guess i just dont get why any of this is difficult. You either punt him or not. I mean if i was you... I make the rules and if you dont like it i could care less. IMO There is nothing that says you need to put up with anyone really. BTW I have No fucking clue who zoso is. lol
  5. haha exactly. You could probably shoot it with a 5.56 and it could still rip your dick off lol .Anyone who hunts knows what i mean.
  6. Well there wasn't a video or pics of said slut so.....
  7. I pretty much only show up to contribute that's it. Here i can just shoot shit and mix it up so its a different thing entirely and also fun. Now i know why we cant talk politics on HCS its because of this shit. LMAO You wont get banned. You have been fine over there. and correct not that hard to do whatever its a 2 way street.
  8. Hey I replied to your post.. all i said is its possible and i wasn't directing that at you. Anyone who runs a website knows that. No way they are setup for that. But I did say its possible and easy. Both are true
  9. Im not going to get into tons of policy details but this is funny either way. haha. No fucking clue who spastic wildcat is either. Im new. I came to party
  10. In bold. Lol yeah he loses a bit of credibility when he claims hes the fastest in the fuckin nation like its a fact when he only races people in the east. Otherwise he isnt too bad. I like the site just to hang around and if someone needs help with something that i am familiar with i throw my 2 cents in. IMO most of the admin staff there does just fine i haven't had issues with anyone. Cant play by the rules take your ball and go home. I am all for a good old debate and disagree but the personal attack shit over the internet is wild. Like anyone would be saying this shit face to face if it was in real life....... Doubt it. Little ribbing here and there and calling out BS is fine tho.
  11. This ones a good watch if you haven't seen it. You can tell she is highly uncomfortable.
  12. No.. Use google man. I dont have to explain anything to you.
  13. I dont give 2 shits about what other countries think when it comes to making decisions that are the best for our country.. Who the F cares what people in Sri lanka think You have to put some pressure on at some point... That is the soft ass mentality we have with Obama. That is what i dont want. Why are we letting everyone else tell us how to do what we do. Freaking sad if you ask me. Get a spine people. Tell you one thing. I FOR DAMN SURE WONT BE VOTING FOR HILLARY
  14. Lol Nice. I just dont get Hillary. She was paying off all the bitches that bill was hitting up and that's facts as they settled with all of them. Shit, everyone wants to freaking kill bill Cosby but really dont see how what Clinton did using his power was any different. Its like a witch hunt for Cosby though.... When she talks its super awkward. I cant help but think everything she says is a straight up lie. Shes been fully busted doing that many many times. At least Trump says what he FEELS... not necessarily what everyone wants to hear but i do give him credit for getting out there and doing something. Shit no one thought he would win the Rep Nod. And here we are
  15. First post and I have to agree here. Build a wall, kick out illegals im all for it. Shit if i break the law i get zero flak its straight to jail. But people can straight up cross the border with no consequences... WTF is that. Trump may come off to some people as a joke but the reality is he has had more repub votes than ANYONE has ever had. Not only that he basically jumped on the rep wagon last minute. Hillary has fucking zero credibility. I cannot stand how many people back her blindly its appalling. Her email issue among other things is well documented. Could care less that she is a woman. I am the farthest thing from racist to me it doesn't matter what color/race. If we were having issues with people from Spain turning into terrorists id ban them too. Pretty simple. Zero fucks given from someone who has never received a handout and had to work for everything i have. Don't feel bad for them at all.
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