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Everything posted by DriftBusta

  1. *you're . Ok her 15 minutes are now officially up. Hey whatever happened to Russian collusion?
  2. wut? That Cuban flag picture is priceless. Useful idiots. That works both ways, which isn't good for liberal leftist snowflakes Lets see your evidence and some links. Because you're full of shit, if these kids are any indication. When I was in college we were trained in critical thought and encouraged to listen to alternative viewpoints. That doesn't happen much on todays college campuses apparently. They don't even know what the majority of themselves are protesting. Groupthink at its finest.
  3. You have 713 posts this weekend. You have no clue what I believe. You're an excitable boy with an addictive personality. Seek fucking help dude.
  4. Tough weekend? I was offline most of the weekend, and after some backreading, all it looks like from here is you probably didn't leave the couch and got throught a 30 pack and a half. Fuck man. Get some fresh air.
  5. Hey I had to take a shit, shower and get dressed so I can drive home from Maine that ok with you? #benstriggeredagain.
  6. What did John Bolton do specifically that makes you think he's so unfit for the job? I honestly don't have an opinion one way or another. Ben is going to foam at the mouth regardless of who he chooses.
  7. point is, I read to that point, one sentence, saw no link, posted a reply. You probably read it to the end, pumped your fist, got spittle on your monitor, and sharted yourself in anger before you realized it. 3/4 of those rally goers probably think it really happened.
  8. Honestly, you're the type who probably think he actually said that, to get all the excitable lefties verklempt about the evil Trump
  9. "that the upcoming war with North Korea" Seriously Greg. Where's the link, so we can out this propaganda you're perpetuating? We're not going to war with North Korea.
  10. No hypocrisy at all you hack of hacks. Its nice to have a president that consumers and business owners have confidence in, and its nice that our imbalance in trade is finally being addressed by a man with some balls between his legs, instead of that mom jean wearing racist we had for the past 8 years.
  11. Please, most of those little nose pickers aren't even old enough to vote. Oh, and look another fake narrative, "gray haired Repugs", have you seen the D representation in the house and senate lately? Looks like a fucking nursing home patient list.
  12. I'm visualizing you clutching your wad of kleenex as you well up like Cam on Modern Family as you typed that. They're being used as pawns, and you got sucked right in with them.
  13. Some photogenic emotional excitable boy being constructed to push a phony narrative, and a bunch of Soros money. So fake.
  14. I'm not answering some nonsensical bullshit idea you made up in your head.
  15. No different than having you agreeing with someone. Derp.
  16. Yet another phony, propped up pawn. No one will even know who he is 6 months from now. Obnoxious little fucker too. As if kids put together all these rallies, and got Ariel and Miley to come sing for them on their own. GMAFB.
  17. Jesus stfu already before I wrap you with that Maglight you're alway threatening everyone with, upside your dome.
  18. Not like it wasn't predicted 6 months ago... Well, like many things you're lack of trust is based on ignorance. The information is all there, as are certain fundamental, historical realities. A guy like you has no business trying to time anything. Period.
  19. Lemme guess....it’s the neocons and the Jee-oohs?
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