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Everything posted by Phenom

  1. Any country that has nuclearweapon capability and the technology to deliver it to anywhere on earth is a Superpower. I think we qualify several times over. Don’t underestimate our capability to inflict massive force either conventional or nuclear with our piss port “policing and nation building” attempts in foreign lands and cultures. Two very different things.
  2. I HATE ABORTION, I wish every life created would have the right to live, but that is my own utopian feeling. I also feel I don’t have the right to interfere with others circumstances and that the decisions made between them and their doctor be unassailable.
  3. I wish it was, but the cold hard truth is that is what’s happening. As for the person I quoted, i took it as they wished Covid would have wiped out many more elderly, making Social Security more solvent so that they will collect it in their retirement years. In a nutshell, anyone that wishes me dead, right back at ya. I won’t shed a tear.
  4. Well, here comes delta taking out a lot of younger people… most elderly, especially those in nursing homes, are vaxed and living long. But the pre boomers are clogging up the hospitals and funeral homes!!! Carefull what you wish for.
  5. Oh, wait… are you guys really taking this seriously??? My bad, I thought it was a joke thread. I would like my participation trophy now.
  6. Wow, that’s a lot of blame on normal working everyday people. But if you are correct, then it’s no wonder all our kids are so fucked up. Our precious little 30 year old self entitled brats, lol. Here that boomers, your kids are all fucked up because of you and your selfish decadence…
  7. I gotta hear this, just how have boomers screwed over their kids and grandkids?
  8. LOL, I’m 60 now and have been hearing this doom and gloom since my teens.
  9. As long as we keep them at bay with no US troops on the ground I’m all for it. They even came up with a pretty name for the strategy, it’s “over the horizon” capabilities. Reminds me of somewhere over the rainbow a drone is coming for me…I call it drone / cruise missal diplomacy.
  10. Hey, at least Trump was up front about it in his admiration of strongmen with authoritarian rule, he even was inspired to be like them on January 6th.
  11. No oops here really. It’s been reported that the drone strike while accurate also set off the munitions that the target(s) were stashing causing a much larger blast to occur killing and injuring civilians. War is ugly.
  12. Keep counting. As someone said who were we at war with on 9/11/2001? We’ve just begun to kill, go getum Joe.
  13. What we left behind in military hardware is chump change. I’m just elated there won’t be anymore flag draped coffins with US soldier remains contained within. We now can practice a diplomatic approach to keep things in check in Afghanistan…anyone here every hear of “cruise missal diplomacy”?
  14. I bet they want you to send money to save the puppies. Send money NOW!!!
  15. I’ll pass that onto my son who’s been in for 15 years now.
  16. I’ll save you! Just send me a gift card for $500.00 and your address and I’ll be right over…
  17. I hate to say that I agree. North Africa is a hornets nest for up and coming terrorists.
  18. With the exception of those 13 service men and women, this is a great day. IS-K has now got the target on their back and I’m certain that intel coming out of Afghanistan will lead to more bombs via special delivery arriving through their window. US military is even better than Amazon, they will deliver right to your car.
  19. Time for the diplomats via the State Dept to do their work. Taliban needs a lot of money and other assets to operate their government, we can help a lot and in exchange get those people out.
  20. Well, so far we removed over 100,000 people from Afghanistan, how in the world do you do that discreetly? If done discreetly, Once one or two plane loads leave the country the word would get out creating a mad rush to the airport(s). Instead of taliban beating them back to maintain order, it would be US troops. All the while isis and al quida taking pick shots hoping to kill as many as possible. Some things are never pretty no matter what.
  21. There are those that judge based on a decision, and that is just fine. And then there are those that judge on the after effects of decisions. I am the latter. My opinion is still in the wind waiting to see how this played out over the next few weeks, months, and years. My personal priorities are US soldier deaths, and American civilian deaths on American soil.
  22. I’m looking at it from the perspective of lives lost after the US exited from an area of conflict. The Taliban pushed us out and the Khmer Rouge forced us out of Cambodia. My except reports millions of Cambodians killed after our exit. Time will tell the number of those exterminated after Augment 31st in Afghanistan. Also, is the taliban keeps to their word and lets Forign passport holders leave via commercial flight after they take control and manage flights. The world will be watching.
  23. I would love to see a double colum death tally. On one side are deaths for those who are vaccinated and the other a death toll from non- vaccinated. The counts would start when the population was 50-50, vexed to non vexed. I bet it would be very revealing.
  24. Read up on our unofficial exit from Cambodia in the 70s.
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