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Everything posted by hwytohell

  1. dem crooked mayor of another dem run into the ground city resigns ; http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-pugh-resigns-20190502-story.html
  2. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2019/05/03/feds-rebuff-ex-detroit-mayor-kwame-kilpatricks-bid-to-leave-prison/1091336001/ dem former crooked mayor of Baltimore just might be in the same federal bind.
  3. City taxpayers will pay for our Barney Fife's actions, Mayor announces ; https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2019/05/03/minneapolis-pay-family-caller-slain-cop/39441187/
  4. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/macomb-county/2019/05/03/macomb-co-deputy-accused-having-sex-female-inmate/3662684002/
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6985985/Obama-blamed-Hillary-2016-loss-scripted-soulless-campaign.html Wondered why the crooked lying witch was making the can controlled me(d)ia rounds. Thought she might be the 22nd braying jackass to enter the 2020 Potus race . Maybe she is a bit worried about a investigation to her failed election rigging . Nope. Former Potus b.o. 's book has her in knots.
  6. This is only the second time since I have been in the rental business that any of my units when they become open are re-rented within three days. I used to advertise on different venues, today , just a simple older re worked large real estate sign with contact info. Agree on the vehicle repos , have a good friend that is in that racket . He now has four " sneaker " trucks working in northern east / west MI and eastern lower U.P. of MI . He said he could add two more trucks but can't find drivers with any experience , or can pass a background / drug screen.
  7. Ended his wheeling days. Bobby should have been at the political table when anyone talks about heath care reform. Bankrupted + a divorce from the woman that stood by his side , good or bad. There will never be a " Alabama gang " in francecar again. Edit , Stumpy is correct , Bobby Allison's driving carrier ended with his Pocono PA, crash.
  8. Glad the economy is doing very good . Remember what goes up must come down, plan now for the down. Both spend , spend , spend d / r political parties will never make the hard fast choices that are needed to address the long out of control local , state and federal crushing financial debts that can never be repaid . Spending money is easy , raising taxes , fees and fines is a bit harder , cutting out of control gubermint spending , never happens.
  9. Another political clown side show for the me(d)ia feeding hacks. Sadly if both d/r would address head on what was going on in the run up to the last Potus election our country would be better served in the future.
  10. Caught that on the news . I would be out of control . Can't wait for our Ironton ferry open air trips .
  11. Let us all hope he is in good health .
  12. Some fool on a plane with her kids flew cross country . Another sat her ass in a packed movie theater.
  13. Watering holes and dem sexual abuse . Let them stay open 24-7 monies to be made sheets to be changed.
  14. You have two out of the 21 , that will take down the dem party if they are not treated fairly by the purchased henchdems in charge . ( At least in their political base camps )
  15. Use caution , this link is from the shady alt lefty fake news , buzzfeed. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rubycramer/superdelegates-2020-convention-democrats
  16. https://qz.com/1536793/your-guide-to-the-2020-democratic-presidential-candidates/
  17. dem , non vanilla. Potus 44's dick holder. moveon , nothing to see here .
  18. https://heyjackass.com/enlightening-commentary/april-wrap-up-3/ +76% increase in persons shot and killed in 2019 vs. 2018 stats. 7
  19. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/441557-cnn-sees-ratings-swoon-in-april
  20. Creepy uncle joe has some long held insider banking / investment shady ties . Plus the feel the burn crowd are fuming pissed off at the dem party in general . Rumors ?? abound that a dark money lefty group has women lined up from joe's days on the pussy prowl with chris dodd and fat ted to come forward . We will see if it's true or net nut b.s. chatter.
  21. Watched a few cherry picked videos online . They sure take care of business when it comes to crime.
  22. Like how they showed a 1965 Mustang at the drag strip with slicks on. Yup wheel hop , just like most all the 60's vintage rides.
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