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About ZR8000lxr

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  • Location
    nun land - USA


  • Current Sled
    2014 ZR8000lxr

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  1. 1976 Ford Mustang Cobra II. 1972 Skidoo Nordic 440e
  2. Looking for a list of the Cat snocross team racers for 2000-2001. Specifically, who was #34. (possibly 24 as the number is hard to read) My friends son was about 11, and I took him and his best friend to a race in Chicago, at Hawthorn Park in Jan 2001. He got his hat signed by Tucker Hibbert, Blair Morgan, and some guy whose name we can't decipher, but his number looks like 34. I challenge anyone to find this on the interwebs! My son and I have hit nothing but dead ends. We have confirmed the race date though. The date is key I believe and if anyone knows of how to search for old racing information it would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. https://www.hcrcnow.com/shop/seal-kits
  4. In 1953 the Japanese made a movie called "Hiroshima". I watched it just this past week. A old fashioned black and white movie available on Amazon Prime video for $2.
  5. Just going to place this here. But Nascar is still a cool gig.
  6. That's it boys. My moderator status removed due something with "removal of posts" unallowed. Fuck you all.
  7. I didn't ban anyone. Who did ? I have no idea. Probably the VS administrator. I'll be in Minny next year. I'd like to meet up with you. I'm not in this for the fighting. I'm here because some said it was a fun site to be on. Is it ?
  8. Me a back stabber ? Ha, you guys stabbed yourselves. And NO I'm not an admin and don't want it. Did you officially quit ? I looked this am and saw you were still there. Sorry to see you go too though. It's VS's IMO as they are the true administrators. I didn't get what i wanted. No how No way. IMO everyone has lost.
  9. Said nothing about what ? HSR likes to repost ? Ok, crying in the milk still ?
  10. Oh looky, spilled milk. Ah, Freedomsledder.com - Can say it here and some "bot" doesn't change it. Who cares!
  11. LmFAO - coming from you the previous administrator on HCS Crying ? I'm not but you look like you are!
  12. Really HSR ? FUCK OFF is all you got ? And really as an Administrator on here is that "in good standing" with the owners of the group ? Ok, whatever. And BTW, again, What did I do to you to deserve anything from you ? I didn't spite any of your posts. Like never. And heck, If anything I'm guilty of letting the ball drop badly while a Mod there. You guys berated some people badly and really VS never cared did they. It took a long time for something to happen. I never said a peep to anyone. You guys did the "talking". That dootalk guy is where your anger should be directed. I'm just here for the fun of it. It is a fun site. Isn't that what it's here for ? And ckf, is this enough ? Need more ?
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