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Everything posted by EvilBird

  1. Jesus christ seriously this should be good I hope it was Bontz wanting that
  2. If the same people who praised being vaccinated and the immunity in the beginning are not still getting their boosters they are all hypocrites and "dont follow the science "
  3. Immune deficiency caused by the vax is 100% true. Not likely but it happens but Stupid Sthevey cant comprehend There is prior knowledge of the flu vaccine, for example, waking up HIV and exposing it to the immune system; but it has been unclear whether that was only happening in flu-specific T cells, a known place where HIV hides,” said senior author Dr. Brad Jones, an associate professor of immunology in medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Weill Cornell Medicine. “Our findings are exciting as we demonstrated a more powerful effect with the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine. It woke up HIV hiding in T cells in blood from people with no previous exposure to the virus or the vaccine.”
  4. Yea I do. Lost friends over it "derp you cant come over derpy derp derp"
  5. Very true . I stopped the testing after that. I had to be around her and She was coughing and shit and was like "dont worry I am vaccinated" 2 days later I was sick as a dog . My first sign the Vax was shit and bare minimum didnt protect others from shedding the virus , if it was indeed Covid .
  6. Hey I wont care if they are able too in fact I hope they can. Despite what Stupid Stevey thinks
  7. Most likely true also . Most of my family that got jabbed got Covid not long after. In fact early on my Sister (jabbed first two shots)gave me Covid i am almost certain.
  8. Not gonna happen Bro. Ronald Regan gave immunity to Big Pharma they have no liability period.
  9. I already have a Job Bud. Sorry but thats not how the Law works Like I said you know nothing. But id be pissed if I was you too. Prob Knocking on deaths door
  10. FWIW I will have to agree with you (sorry AC ) that Natural Immunity was short lived . I had the shit three times at least
  11. How so ? You know nothing idiot stick to Rvs and midlife crisis crotch rockets old Man. Not only do I live rent free in your head so does my Wife Sad .
  12. Again not my problem. Any person with a hint of skepticism she would not administer it . Only the retards demanding they get it got it. Really a perfect situation .
  13. Majority of Trump voters accepted the results. The capitol riot wasn't every single Trump voter.
  14. Yup they made sure of that. Actually Ronald Regan started that bullshit.
  15. Stupid Sthevey still trying to justify his experimental jab that did nothing
  16. Make sure you vote Blue derpy derp derp. the Chemtrail and Covid crazies are a National threat
  17. I have to admit im satisfied
  18. More reading . Unreal .
  19. Zuppa Toscana my favorite soup.
  20. Yessir not bad . Wasn't that warm in CT probably 65 degrees but was a good day.
  21. Yep fuck sport bikes . At a dive bar with the Wife on the RG. Way better
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