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Everything posted by Deephaven

  1. Lol, you are so wealthy you don't even have your own Roth, just an inherited one. Do you have anything that you actually earned or are you still relying on your family elders in your 70's. Sad, sad man.
  2. With the zipper the non-merging lane should allow room. There are a bunch of asshats that don't want it to go every other car. That is shit. If they do that, there is no choice but to throw a fender in there. That being said, in MI if they don't allow room it is considered reckless driving ticket wise. MN doesn't clarify. I had to look as it has been clearly shared here that the zipper is the norm and that was nearly a decade a go.
  3. You can ride anything on a trail, I want something for the ditch. Superfast throttle response and as much power as possible while weighing nothing.
  4. Requires, lol. More stupidity and lies. You are quite the piece.
  5. Annoying dipshit today flicked me and my 10 year old off because we came down a 2 into 1 lane with the right away and he didn't want me to. Asshole accelerated and tried to hit me. Dumb fuck. In MN it is directed by the state to zipper merge and not merge early. https://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/ To be fair to skidude, MI was late to adopt it as they started in 2019. Net effect of the zipper can be more than a 40% time savings through a merging zone.
  6. What about Mr. Marketing, the mags say Ski Doo is the absolutely best and there is no disputing them, ThunderDragon. Heard he stopped coming to HCS after riding a Poo and realizing he was wrong
  7. Ah, so Sweden is a 3rd world country. I gave you an undisputable reason. Natural selection still works in impoverished countries. You claim they had treatment. Show us this treatment and how/where they got it and could afford it.
  8. The world isn't flat. ...there now it is only your dumbass that doesn't. My statement above is also right. If it isn't provide some proof.
  9. Back that up with anything...you can't. They simply had less easy pickins.
  10. That is because all the dumbasses moved over too soon. That completely fucks up the flow and makes things dangerous.
  11. Countries where other diseases already wiped out the weak didn't have any weak ones left for Covid to take.
  12. I've always used roundabouts for drifting fun, just a bonus they speed up traffic.
  13. Where in the poll is the big bored 850++ with more aggressive porting? Forced induction complicates and adds expense which frighten me on a sled.
  14. You are then the reason traffic stops. A merge lane is to be used the whole length.
  15. What track do you have on your machine and how many studs? --1.75" and none Come up to my pond and race me. I want to see how the new Polaris machines run.
  16. And then the idiots try to force you to not move over...although the front of your car is ahead of theirs so there is nothing they can do. My only concern is if one of those morons is the guy from Indy holding his glock. The tell of a city with drivers that can drive to me is very simple. If you merge into traffic hugging the rear bumper of the car in front of you, it is perfect. If you merge to the front bumper of the car soon to be behind you, you suck. When a whole city does that traffic gets jacked daily.
  17. Wiat, in a most annoying drivers thread you guys are complaining about traffic that moves too fast? Annoying drivers are SLOW. Chicago drivers are fine. They know how to merge. That defines what is ok in a city and doesn't fuck up traffic. LA on the other hand is a fucking shit show of mental handicapped idiots that can't drive. No capability to change lanes is why they have 8.
  18. It's great you respond to buttplug.
  19. Took a chance,lol. As if there was any doubt. Perhaps we should bait him with a Ram sucks, Cat is being bought by Polaris thread in the Cat forum. I'm in
  20. Only you would know Exactly why no one likes you. And yes, Lindell is a crazy mofo.
  21. They also had completely closed borders, crazy Covid tracking and isolation procedures and are generally a culture that follows directions. Perhaps instead of reading propaganda you should think yourself for once. I had a plane ticket to Singapore that I delayed 3 times due to Covid and finally just had to give up. Sucks trying to support a remote office that you can't visit. Lately they've opened up so the expectations were that an outbreak would happen. And no, I didn't watch your stupid link. If you had a brain you'd actually post a summary instead of just some idiot nonsense that you wasted time watching.
  22. It was only $11 he lost so he still has the other $11. Almost enough for a lobster dinner. We do NOT want to see that you sick fuck. OMG first begging guys to come to your house to play with your maglite for $10k and now free handy tutorials.
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