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Everything posted by Deephaven

  1. Nice of you to offer to leave if you are wrong
  2. Wrong thread. Here you can be acquitted of owning anything since that is more the truth anyways.
  3. Grabbing your shit and chasing you is a pot shot. Someone does that to me and they are getting fucked up At least you have some experience with the last sentence. That is why you are acting this way. Getting used like a blow up doll is your favorite pastime.
  4. My boys started basketball in MN 3 weeks ago. Middle schooler has already played in a tournament. Couldn't be here though as they aren't allowed to shake hands. Can clap for each other. As for the coach who wouldn't shake, doesn't matter if it is a good idea or not if it is done and he is the bad sport fire him. Not a role model the kids should have. There is always someone pissy but a winning coach, that is lame
  5. Of course climate change is fucking real. Ours changes from summer to fall to winter to spring. Fucking libtard
  6. They are equal kind of dipshit. Jim using his full email address as a screen name obviously means he couldn't have figured out the forward and reverse 440, but the statements and posts both have the intelligence of a 3rd grader.
  7. No, it was shit. It is supposed to be completely political in here for it to be good. That being said, sounds like fucked we are.
  8. Less than everyone else that posted in this thread. Just because you are keeping up with inflation isn't growing you wee little accounts enough so that you can afford fresh cotton for your nostrils to compensate for your inability to pay for a $36 respirator....even funnier considering how useless both the respirator and cotton stuffing is. Amusingly the left view Trump and the right view Biden like the forum views you. Inflation is seriously out of control. Some wages are up, but only those for jobs that people don't want for whatever reason. Jobs people do are nowhere near climbing with inflation. Situation is a serious shit show.
  9. Biden shares a strong bond with Polaris 550. Everything either says is a bunch of babbling nonsense.
  10. The Rush abortion sold better than the ProCross abortion in years when you could buy both so it did leap that garbage skid in market share. Amusing that the abomination that compels more hate based on looks alone was good enough to outsell Cats best chassis. Didn't "touch" Doo, sure, but made it to the same zipe code at least and we've seen what the Dootards can do to a great forum like HCS used to be so no surprise they aren't smart enough to actually go and test ride a real sled.
  11. Which one? The one they had to rename because it was all redone or the complete changes to the 2nd one when it wouldn't run right either? The Procross is an old boring piece of shit, but if I were to own another it would surely have a Zuke motor.
  12. Funny in a year where Lynx copies said shit box in return
  13. The one and ONLY time I have eaten at one of those was that one. I got food poisoning...and the food was awful. Last time. Thank god I have 2 hands. I'll order one for the left and one for the right. 10 ought to do.
  14. For me it is always more than I have. Doesn't matter the motorsport or how wicked whatever it is, I get used to it and then the more bug bites....for me it bites hard and often.
  15. Homemade bluecheese is a family favorite. So easy and the shit you get in a bottle is god awful.
  16. A slightly overcooked prime NY Strip. Was doing too much at once, but it was still great. Had enough peaches for half a pie, so half blueberry went on the other side. Didn't suck that I had to have one of each.
  17. My BV2S fogged up once it was that cold. That is why I switched to MX. Can't say my face has ever been cold outside of a couple balaclava fitting issues I worked out. So much lighter, more than warm enough, and changing goggles for light conditions is easy.
  18. I will be in Germany on Sunday. All sorts of border crossing fun now
  19. Interesting. I find that below -10f that a MX style is a must as everything else freezes up. The only reason I like full face is for noise reduction, but the rest of the MX outweighs that. I will add the Titan is the quietest MX helmet I have ever worn
  20. Diesels are always more fun. I am on freshwater so 3 Chev 350s and an outboard on the fishing rig make things a lot easier.
  21. Brilliant. You should have left her and done it.
  22. He can afford gay pride. He is always offering people money to come play with his maglite.
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