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Everything posted by Sleepr2

  1. the lefts base is the welfare, felons and illegals, all party faithful of the left , dance around the semantics all you want but the left is the party of parasites AKA 47%ers living off the taxes paid by others. While feeble, you at least made a attempt to justify the greed of the left.
  2. And that 47% are a majority of the lefts voting base ,, anything else?
  3. Why should you get a deduction for being too stupid to not use a condom? Why should I pay for schools that I don;t have kids in? Why should I pay in for people that don' t think they should have to work? These are your partys base.
  4. And you ignore how the 47% (AKA liberals voting base) pay nothing,
  5. Your choice , not mine....have al the puppies you want, they are not mine or anyone elses responsibility fact is, and you won;t like it, no one owes you a thing no matter how much money they make.
  6. Why is it fair for you to get a tax break for being to stupid to use a condom? O never said it was fair for a state to get more back than they pay in, funny how you're not whining about taxpayers that get more back than they pay in? perhaps it's because they vote left?
  7. At the real taxpayers expense, and to the benefit of leftwing theives.
  8. No problem, perhaps people should all, pay the same percentage of tax to pay for the cost to run the country? I doubt you and the 47%ers would agree to pay your fair share,
  9. Perhaps the high tax states should check their spending before driving the businesses to other states? BTW: businesses are not communes, they are for profit entities not created to provide high wagers for slackers that vote left,
  10. I don't believe anything from DUh underground,, and it's laughable that the same people that whine about Fox post cut and paste crap from politicus ,DUh and Salon,
  11. Typical leftist ldealism.
  12. back away from the booze and you may be able to read and comprehend written words.
  13. It's OK, according to Timeshare we have billions of taxpayers that are not paying their fair share,
  14. How can you support rapists, murderers and racists? You own double standards are laughable.
  15. Jimmy the dumbfucks version of "I got Nuthin!""
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