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Everything posted by SSFB

  1. My spelling skills are much better than average. Now do you have a point you were going to make, sawed off Tom Selleck?
  2. I don't support Bernie nor would I vote for him. Clueless fucking idiot.
  3. I think one thread is enough, I deleted the other 7.
  4. Poor Snakey, I have skills which are sought after and you're only making more than $20 an hour because of a union. And I don't setup Windows 10 or "insert discs".
  5. It's simple, any man who's such a thin skinned pussy that he can't even take criticism doesn't exhibit leadership.
  6. Have you ever shot a Glock?
  7. I'd have been amazed if race relations improved during the time of the first Black President.
  8. I see the old Momorider is back in full force.
  9. Gary could smoke from sun up to sun down and he'd still make more sense than than both of the lying, opportunistic NY liberals.
  10. Well no Trump supporter can claim to know what leadership is, that's for certain.
  11. You're living in a fantasy land. None of that shit will get done because at the end of the day voters like comfortable lies more than they like uncomfortable truths. Voters consistently say they want to cut government programs but when given a run down of things to cut they say no. Don't plan on anything substantial to change until the attitude of Americans changes, drastically.
  12. Yet what has the GOP or the Dems done for you? Amazes me how Americans are so fed up with these parties yet they keep voting for them.
  13. SSFB


    Kivalo is "Massive Shit"
  14. Nike - 24 Million subscribers to their FB page. Think they make any sales from that?
  15. You're pretty ignorant of what Facebook is, based on your posts. You'll find that people of all ages are subscribed to pages on Facebook of companies that they buy things from. Those things popup when they're surfing Facebook, it's a no-brainer for any business and anyone who isn't doing it is losing sales.
  16. How exactly would someone who's never used Facebook know? Besides, there's plenty of market data on it. The younger generation isn't searching Google for this or that. They're searching Facebook and Instagram. I have several family members who do almost all of their sales over Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  17. LOL, pretty much any business who wants to stay relevant in the 21st Century, especially with people under 30.
  18. None of them will ever see mine without a warrant.
  19. Vince is a straight shooter, that's more than we can say for some people here...........
  20. Vince probably has more ties to the GOP than any other member of the two forums with the possible exception of Donny Buffalo. Just the way I hear it from people who know him. I'll let Vince decide what he wants to share. He's mentioned the inauguration before and posted the invite.
  21. He was invited to GWB's inauguration party. Do you think that happens to someone who is like SnowRider?
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