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Everything posted by SSFB

  1. I too remember right winger's blaming Congress and not Obama!
  2. SSFB


    What plan is that?
  3. Well if we use the same measure of Christian Fundamentalism that people here use for Muslim Extremism then it's a shit ton of Christians.
  4. No it doesn't. It says he was the first to calculate it. That doesn't mean the consensus was that it was flat.
  5. Post something that supports the notion that the consensus was a flat Earth.
  6. It's a myth that the consensus was that the Earth was flat. That was not a view held by educated people.
  7. I'm saying if you want to have a discussion about that then you need to make a point. If you're going to say(as many anti-vaxxers do) that "Mercury bad!" then no scientist is going to entertain the conversation.
  8. I only hang out with successful people and small town rednecks who like Busch Light, nobody who does meth.
  9. https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-palin-ocasio-cortez-face-off-in-lowest-scoring-celebrity-jeopardy-episode-in-history?fbclid=IwAR21fxowgkFawqM1RtZnOc87qfKOqRwJjO4JlZRWGUk1r690HfuT8N5Um5U
  10. Science is a consensus, there's no one guy sitting around who decides what's Science and there's nobody stopping anyone else from doing research. The Scientific community becomes frustrated with people who question the safety of vaccines because people often frame it as they're "just asking questions" but that's not what they're doing. They get an answer to that question and then they ignore it and move onto the next thing. If you want to have an honest discussion about mercury I'm sure you can find a scientist who'd do so but if you are going to recite anti-vaxxer lines that they've heard a thousand times before and that don't hold up to scrutiny then they're going to lose interest pretty fast. No different than all the stupid shit that gets posted here, who in their right mind is going to try and debate some of that stuff? I was being facetious dude. I can be certain that airplanes exist because I've been on them many times, I've left one part of the world and arrived at another. I have no logical reason to believe that any airplane would be a hologram. But if that's what you really believe then you couldn't possibly fault anyone for not believing in Jesus if he were to return because it could just be a hologram.
  11. Why can't the plane in front of me be a hologram? I can't prove that it isn't. See where that line of thinking goes?
  12. I think you're following too much media and things of the like. The loudmouths on social media don't get to define Science anymore than other loudmouths get to decide what Christianity is. Scientists are people doing a job just like the rest of us and the stuff about "Earth will be destroyed in 12 years!" is fodder for retards. That's not a mainstream scientific belief. Science is a system that rewards correct ideas, it's just that people sometimes get it wrong because of human nature.
  13. I've never suggested that people haven't tried to use a facade of Science to manipulate people. Humans will use anything they can to manipulate other people. Of course I can't prove we landed a Rover on Mars, the question is, what is the more reasonable assertion? Is it that there's a mass conspiracy to turn people away from the Creator. Or that we landed a rover on a planet. The line of thinking that you're buying into isn't feasible in the world. If we used your required level of "proof" for things then nothing would ever get done. Flying planes? Nope, can't do it. It never happened because I never saw it and even if I did, it might have been an illusion in the sky. How is a society supposed to be built if we go by the supposition that we can't know anything to be true? Why do you believe that video is authentic but then say that we have to question all of these other things? That's confirmation bias.
  14. Certain things being bullshit doesn't mean you just throw out everything and say we can't know anything. That's faulty thinking. Stanley Kubrick did not say he faked the moon landing. Provide a source for him saying that......or a video since we can't know he said it if we read it from somewhere else, right? Science isn't religion and it's ridiculous to suggest it's indoctrinated into us like religion. Again, science has results. Planes fly, blood transfusions work, information flies at the speed of light allowing you to read this post. Religion doesn't have a single thing that it can say "I made this and I can reproduce it", not a single thing.
  15. So if people millenniums ago drew aliens like we do today then maybe it’s just something that’s part of the human race?
  16. So then all of the Rovers that have landed on Mars.......NASA hoaxes?
  17. So were the people who drew cave paintings of aliens under Satan’s control?
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