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Cop Watch

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  1. https://reason.com/blog/2019/02/07/green-new-deal-democratic-socialism-by-o As it happens, a team of Stanford engineers led by Mark Jacobson outlined just such a plan back in 2015. Jacobson’s repowering plan would involve installing 335,000 onshore wind turbines; 154,000 offshore wind turbines; 75 million residential photovoltaic systems; 2.75 million commercial photovoltaic systems; 46,000 utility-scale photovoltaic facilities; 3,600 concentrated solar power facilities with onsite heat storage; and an extensive array of underground thermal storage facilities. Assuming steep declines in the costs of each form of renewable electric power generation, just running the electrical grid using only renewable power would still cost roughly $7 trillion by 2030. The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation calculated that the total cost of an earlier version of Jacobson’s scheme would amount to $13 trillion. And based on how fast it has taken to install energy generation infrastructure in the past, Jacobson’s repowering plan would require a sustained installation rate that is more than 14 times the U.S. average over the last 55 years and more than six times the peak rate. Where is the money to pay for this massive transformation going to come from? The headline over at The Week sums it up pretty well: “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to pay for her Green New Deal by essentially printing more money.”
  2. Paul W., we're not ready to be doing it, but let me remind you, this has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you're going to pass legislation that will cover 300 American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/07/politics/ethics-committee-devin-nunes/index.html In April, Nunes temporarily stepped aside from his role as the head of the committee's probe into Russian election meddling amid questions about his decision to provide information to the White House about the "unmasking" of Trump officials at the tail end of the Obama administration. "In the course of this investigation, the Committee sought the analysis of Representative Nunes's statements by classification experts in the intelligence community," the Ethics Committee said in a statement. "Based solely on the conclusion of these classification experts that the information that Representative Nunes disclosed was not classified, the Committee will take no further action and considers this matter closed."
  4. Remember when Schiff demanded that then-Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), be investigated for having meetings with a few of Trump’s NSC officials. The meetings were about the Obama administration’s unmasking of Trump campaign people. Schiff flipped because Nunes didn’t tell the committee about the meeting.
  5. https://lidblog.com/adam-schiff-glenn-simpson/ “The meeting occurred this past July at a Security conference held in Aspen Colorado. Solomon found pictures of the two together at the event. He didn’t publish the photos but he confronted the offices of the two using the images as proof of the meeting. Per Solomon, the pictures show ‘Schiff meeting at the event with Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson, one of the key and most controversial figures in the Russia collusion scandal. Both men insisted to me through spokesmen that they met only briefly last July”.”
  6. https://www.ifs.org/blog/ifs-chairman-brad-smith-corrects-aoc-on-campaign-finance-law/?fbclid=IwAR3QugPFAHZAGC9FEakBciSIjXN4q-sPXpdJRPl-1ZM41x8_nVpALSRMzZg At a February 6, 2019, House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on H.R. 1, IFS Chairman Bradley A. Smith was asked by Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) to correct the record on a line of misleading questioning by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on current U.S. campaign finance laws. In the following clip, Brad clarifies the state of current law and explains some of the problems with the questions that were presented by Representative Ocasio-Cortez.
  7. Making history Holder held in contempt. The House has voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over his failure to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal, the first time Congress has taken such a dramatic move against a sitting Cabinet official.
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