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Everything posted by racer254

  1. I wish these media hacks would be held accountable somehow for the bullshit propaganda they put out.
  2. FYI https://www.statista.com/statistics/191471/top-us-states-in-production-of-sorghum-for-grain/
  3. Well, then the talking points wouldn't mesh. Evil corporations or Trump Tariff bashing.
  4. Yep, And I thought this was going to effect SOYBEANS. Bunch of useless hacks.
  5. They certainly did set up Trump to win the POTUS election. Should I be saying "keep up the good work"
  6. Yep. Been saying the same thing for years. He actually had the citizens of this country in mind above anything else.
  7. How much did she have and what was her salary the year before she was elected.....come on 137
  8. Hold on, If it wasn't for your parents yes we would have been in trouble. Unfortunately, for the generation that has been whining since the 60's for you to call others whiney dumb asses is amazing. Your generation brought in the drug booms and caused the war on drugs, war on poverty etc. LOL.
  9. Oh man....that was a good one.^^^
  10. Is dump still donating the salary he receives as POTUS?
  11. Well, this is from 2012. I am not sure how the Huffington Post found his exact net worth down to the dollar. http://articles.latimes.com/2012/aug/25/nation/la-na-ryan-assets-20120826 By the time Ryan had entered Congress in 1999 at the age of 28 and filed his first disclosure statement, he reported assets between $167,000 and $1.3 million, owned a home and had three rental units.
  12. All I want is for snowbeavis to give his explanation of the meme and to see his choice for Ryan's successor. Should be easy, really.
  13. He's leaving...who are you hoping takes his place?
  14. MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin's unemployment rate remains at a record-low 2.9 percent for a second month. The state Department of Workforce Development reported Thursday that the rate for March remains unchanged from the 2.9 percent in February. That was its lowest level since July 1999. The report shows the state added 8,900 private sector jobs between February and March. There were nearly 3 million people working in the state in March. Gov. Scott Walker has been touting the state's record-low unemployment rate as a sign that his policies enacted over the past seven-plus years are working. Walker faces re-election in November. Democrats argue Walker can't take credit for the low unemployment rate that has trended with a national economic rebound since the end of the Great Recession.
  15. Do you need any other response. You assume I give trump a pass on this just because I haven't paid really close attention? NOPE, I think it's excessive, but with all the bullshit stories and crybaby DU articles, there isn't any point to search out this stuff right now. This place is being saturated with the trump watchdog stories.
  16. LOL 3 hours to find that....I better try harder.
  17. Today the average American is 20 years younger than their representative in Congress. This should come as no surprise, considering that over the past 30 years the average age of a Member of Congress has increased with almost every new Congress. In 1981, the average age of a Representative was 49 and the average of a Senator was 53. Today, the average age of a Representative is 57 and the average of a Senator is 61. Democratic leaders in the House are two decades older than Republican leaders. The average age of the Democratic House leadership is 72 years old, whereas the average age of Republican House leadership is 48 years old. This trend continues in House committee leadership with Republican chairmen averaging 59 years old and ranking Democrats averaging 68 years old. https://www.quorum.us/data-driven-insights/the-115th-congress-is-among-the-oldest-in-history/175/
  18. Yeah, as far as elections go. Even in the corporate world once they get into management, they never seem to leave or retire.
  19. I have nothing against that generation, but they sure seem to try and hold on to their positions of power as long as possible.
  20. That's the best you got? You are the one that constantly says the same thing, that the younger generations will be paying for this. When have I said that? I want these fucks out. What are you doing to accomplish anything? Here's an idea, let's keep voting for the same people and expect different results. Sounds like the democrats from the 1980's
  21. Why do you keep voting for people over 50? If you want 45 year olds and younger to fix this, why are you electing these old fucks who obviously don't know their head from shit.
  22. F7, do you see this. This the type of person that IS the problem. Everyone has been saying we have a spending problem, but for some reason democrats only try and blame republicans, yet when they spend..."it was needed" GOD DAMN BUNCH OF NO BRAIN FUCKS.
  23. I would take a chevy over a ford any day of the week, but after riding and driving a 2015 Camaro, the blind spots just sucked ass. Is that going to ever be addressed?
  24. Oh, are you afraid it would ruin your little talking point? You would hate to prove that trump is spending less on trips than what obama did. Another disingenuous story fabbed up by a deceitful and dishonest person...YOU
  25. Hey why don't you itemize the costs for comparable trips of Obama and Trump. That should keep you busy for a while and should help you with some math as well.
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