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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. No I'm not implying any specific conspirocy theory but... If you were to design an almost perfect virus to spread around the world whether it be by China or whomever.... Highly contagious Many infected show little symptoms increasing its spread Non symptomatic for days increasing its spread. Mostly kills the elderly and those with expensive pre-existing conditions. Will cause massive dependency on govt. Financially strong companies (large and small) have the best chance to survive.
  2. Holy fuck. Worldwide pandemic, economy on the brink of collapse (to some in here) and Ben is demanding to know if there are secret moderators. I've fucking heard it all now.
  3. Do you see any of us making that claim? Fuck man. Just want to know the details on it.
  4. I though cat guys jerked off to that color? Anything green in fact....especially with an odd splash of blue.
  5. So everything people post now is them being triggered? Boy Trump triggers the fuck out of some of you.
  6. He come out and defended himself saying it was his schizophrenia that made him do it. And by him I don't mean Obama.
  7. Not applauding but I'm sure its killing lots of old liberal joo's in NYC.
  8. Every gov is looking out for their own. Its what they are suppose to do even if it could hurt other states. Cuomo is asking everything from other states saying he will reciprocate when he damn well knows he might not be able to.
  9. This is really fucked up. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/suspected-sars-virus-and-flu-samples-found-in-chinese-scientists-luggage-arriving-in-the-u-s-report/ Samples of the suspected SARS virus and influenza were found in Chinese scientists’ luggage arriving in the U.S., according to an unclassified FBI tactical intelligence report obtained by Yahoo News. The report, written by the Chemical and Biological Intelligence Unit of the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate (WMDD), does not give the name of the Chinese scientist carrying the suspected SARS and MERS samples, or the intended recipient in the U.S. But the FBI concluded that the incident, and two other cases cited in the report, were part of an alarming pattern. “The Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate assesses foreign scientific researchers who transport undeclared and undocumented biological materials into the United States in their personal carry-on and/or checked luggage almost certainly present a US biosecurity risk,” reads the report. “The WMDD makes this assessment with high confidence based on liaison reporting with direct access.” The report, which came out more than two months before the World Health Organization learned of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan that turned out to be COVID-19, appears to be part of a larger FBI concern about China’s involvement with scientific research in the U.S. While the report refers broadly to foreign researchers, all three cases cited involve Chinese nationals.
  10. Sure would like to know where this all went and what they were carrying. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/cbp-agents-stopped-chinese-national-with-mysterious-vials-in-his-luggage/
  11. Very simple. He has an myopic viewpoint on things. Don't make this out to be more than what was meant guys.
  12. Really? Thats a shitty as comparison to what people call each other in here? That was not being critical of his family in any way shape or form.
  13. Honestly Vince you like many others were never going to give him a chance no matter what. He could cure the virus himself and you would still bitch. You're like the kid who would complain that his ice cream was too cold. I feel sorry for your family. Going shed hunting.....have a great day and stay healthy.
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