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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. Just because you have a super majority doesn't mean you can always get everything done you would like. There are methods for the other side to stop it. 60 vote threshold to get a bill to the floor in the Senate being a huge one.
  2. Without question there needs to be a serious learning curve on this one. From more localized shutting down of business' to a dramatic change in the supply chain and where and what we produce. I don't think even state wide MW is smart neither do I think statewide shutdown of the economy during a pandemic is. There needs to be a major effort to produce a drug that can make these different types of virus' far less fatal. Vaccine after it hits is not a realistic solution....simply takes far too long. We need to take a look at the SARS, MERS, H1N1, COVID-19 and anything else that spreads like the flu and attack them with the ability to lessen their effect or even a cure.
  3. I think this kind of rhetoric is fucking ridiculous. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/491917-fauci-i-dont-think-we-should-shake-hands-ever-again "When you gradually come back, you don't jump into it with both feet. You say, what are the things you could still do and still approach normal? One of them is absolute compulsive hand-washing. The other is you don't ever shake anybody's hands," Fauci told The Wall Street Journal's podcast. "I don't think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you. Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease; it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country," the doctor added.
  4. Long ways from that. Debt to GDP will still be manageable if we can get thru this without spending more than 6-10 trillion.
  5. We can to anything that's open and there is still a lot open.
  6. At some point we have to look at opening up parts of the country. We cannot survive economically having the entire country on complete lock down thru the end of May or June. Yes 80% of the country is still working but the snowball effect will start happening if we don't and we will have 30-50% unemployment.
  7. Neither does always waiting for the govt to save us thru controlling our lives.
  8. I can agree on some of what's in food but you need ZERO money to remain active and watch your calorie intake. Calorie intake, sedentary lifestyle and substance abuse hurts American's more than whats in the food. People have proven it eating nothing but McDonald's and actually lost weight. Education is 50% school and 50% parents. The statistics on 2 parent households and education, crime and income levels make that perfectly clear. 2 parents at home does not guarantee parents are involved in their kids lives but it sure doesn't hurt. Its sad that people think govt control is the answer to everything and just as predicted this pandemic will make it much, much worse.
  9. If Trump attempted a national stay at home order in late January you would be on here today bitching he ruined the economy and you know it.
  10. Link? Obama had all of congress for a few years. What's the excuse there? Trump hasn't had all of congress his 3+ years either.
  11. Our biggest failure isn't the services available. Its how people take care of themselves and their kids. No amount of money can change that.
  12. Why is it bullshit? You don't think the states have any responsibility? Of course not look who I'm talking too. You want the fed govt to wipe your ass for you too. Its not hard to foresee a populated state or city needing a large portion of the fed stockpile.
  13. Apples and Oranges dude. BTW did you miss the part where I said it was Trump's fault too? Reality is the states share the vast majority of the blame over the Presidents.
  14. Yep, time for the states to step it up on their stockpiles. Yes federal govt too but most of it should be on the shoulders of the states. This pandemic proves it. NY, NJ and a few populated states do not have the right to hoard the national stockpiles. Federal govt simply cannot stockpile enough and distribute it equally. It worked out on this one but might not on the next one.
  15. Or come in contact with someone who has or someone that person did. SMH.
  16. Why did Obama say many things and not deliver. You're better than this dude....don't be so naive. You can keep your doctor ring a bell? Get out of the wars ring a bell? Close Gitmo ring a bell?
  17. Again...provide a link it was the GOP blocking funding. I posted an article about the Obama admin granting a company a huge contract on ventilators. Said company was purchased by another and couldn't deliver and the Obama admin didn't then go somewhere else. They had the funding. For people complaining about supporting Trump sure have a hard time getting their tongue out of Obama's asshole. Years later, after prototypes were developed, Newport was bought out by Covidien in 2012, and the project ground to a halt. By 2014, Covidien wanted out of the contract, former federal officials told the Times, and the government agreed to cancel it. A year later, Covidien was purchased by Medtronic, which told the Times that the ventilators Newport was developing would not have been usable on newborns and would have fallen short of the government’s requirements. The government entered into a new contract with Philips in 2014, and finally ordered 10,000 ventilators in December 2019, with delivery expected later this year.
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