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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. Cuban once said “If I see a black kid in a hoodie at night on the same side of the street, I’m probably going to walk to the other side of the street,” Now he's a democratic voice of reason. Imagine if a Trump supporter had said that.
  2. I don't believe in having a secretary. Never have had one. The women who work in my office earn about 1/3 to 1/2 what I take home in pay but they are far from what I would call a secretary. Bet that's a much better ratio than Buffett. I've never been critical of Buffett's philanthropy but his lying and hypocrisy when it comes to taxes and what his secretary earns. Remember HE is the one who uses HER in his political points. He is the one who talks about income inequality yet does nothing within his own office to change it when he easily could pay her 10x's what he does. I've never heard him once proclaim how raising his taxes would help her and his income become more equal. He know's it won't.
  3. True, but she'll do here best to line the pockets of who gave her and her foundation money.
  4. Slingers word of the day "dipshits."
  5. Have to look at the whole picture supply and demand. Which caused the price drop more. If supply isn't very high and demand is low then it would show signs to a weak economy.
  6. Good. I've proven over and over again why it was the correct constitutional decision. Ron Paul was spot on. Congress has no authority under Article I of the Constitution to regulate campaigns at all. Article II authorizes only the regulation of elections, not campaigns, because our Founders knew Congress might pass campaign laws that protect incumbency Only individuals have rights; people are individuals, not groups or companies.[110][111] "Corporations don't have rights per se, but the individual who happens to own a corporation or belong to a union does have rights, and these rights are not lost by merely acting through another organization http://reason.com/blog/2016/01/21/our-presidential-cycle-shows-why-citizen
  7. Most voters are too biased, inept or not informed enough to find out or care. The problem with this country is not the politicians but the voters who entrust those positions to pieces of shit.
  8. More than a deceitful, lying piece of shit that would do anything to line her pockets? Absofuckinglutly! Said this over and over on here. Trump was not my first or even second or third choice but I TRUST him in the WH a million x's more than HRC.
  9. Kind of surprised they filed. They need to listen to Dave Ramsey.
  10. Think of the money she loses out on herself. One thing on Hillary is she scratches the back of those that help her. No fucking way she gets CU overturned.
  11. People who honor character care unfortunately 45% of the country obviously don't.
  12. Because that's what George asked him you jackass. Fuck sno watch the video. Just because a few Muslims sacrificed for this country doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware of everything else they have done. Need me to list them off? Trump has stated nothing more than what democrap legend Jimmy Carter did yet now he is so wrong for saying it.
  13. at anyone who thinks she will get CU overturned. Matter of fact its laughable to think she would keep any promises to Sanders. People are not really that dumb are they?
  14. So its ok to repeal previous SC decisions? You would be OK with Roe v. Wade being overturned?
  15. Was Trump found guilty of anything? I mean is that the only measure of a persons character anymore?
  16. Buffett is as truthful on his own taxes as Hillary is about her emails. You got to admire a guy who made his billions off attractive CG tax rates and now wants them raised. The same guy who has billions preaches how income inequality is bad only pays his secretary $60K a year. His hypocrisy fits in really well with the democraps.
  17. LMFAO! That's him going after them? GMAFB. What has Hillary sacrificed? Having the public take care of her virtually all her life. Becoming rich off of politics. The only way to sacrifice for this country is to have served or have a child who served? Did you serve Vince? How about any of your kids?
  18. This is the problem. All the Sanders supporters who made claims of being anti-establishment are falling in line behind clinton. Sad really.
  19. Whoosh. No I just find it funny they use labels for Trump and not Clinton. Sorry you can't understand that with you bias.
  20. Got to love Politico's attempt to be negative labeling Trump a billionaire yet not mentioning Hillary as a multi-millionaire. Like she is just and average joe.
  21. Ever notice the resident Hillary supporters have NOTHING when it comes to respond to things like this other than more Clinton propaganda.
  22. Best part is watching the people on here who said that was the number one issue now support her.
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