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Everything posted by Anler

  1. I've been using those snake oil Fitch drop ins in my sleds for ever. I've never done anything with the gas for storage. And I've never changed a plug in any of my etecs....
  2. Looks like you have more in common with Democrats than you thought.
  3. Those are all in spite of republican obstructionism dude. Like I was talking about. The gop pushed back on the stimulus because they knew the economy would see a jump and that could reflect favorable on Obama. You'd have to be a fucking moron to agree with those fucks that nothing would be better. You are really cherry picking here.
  4. Mara Lago did a fantastic job fighting the hurricane. Nobody fights hurricanes as well as me, believe me. Mara Lago is soley responsible for decreasing the severity of the hurricane, saving countless lives and saving billions of dollars. You're welcome.
  5. Here is the future ... If we are smart enough to not blow the place up before we can go there...
  6. As soon as they heard "neocon" they wrote it off as liberal propaganda.
  7. Wave your flags mother fuckers.
  8. If the earth was round we wouldn't have hurricanes.
  9. I'm a racist and the ethnics I hate the most are Canadians! Eh
  10. I know some guys with Brandenburg and Alpine but we don't do wrecking so I don't run into them much. The parties we used to throw in the eighties and nineties could rival anything in the history of everything. There are some fucking characters in this business.
  11. I hate everybody bro. where I grew up everybody was something and we gave each other shit all the time. My best friends growing up were Italian, polish, Greek, Czech, bohemian and Irish. I was the only German. My nickname was Nazi. Go figure
  12. How about we just let them come over and register? Quick criminal background check and boom 2 year probational temp citizenship. After 2 years with no criminal association and have full time job and they get citizenship. Pretty easy. Also I would not give govt benefits for anchor babies and no citizenship for marriages. Have to register.
  13. The majority of immigrant labor around here is Hispanic and eastern European. But the last several years I have been encountering alot of turkey bird Irish. Fuck them too!
  14. There are alot easier and cheaper ways to fix that instead of the way we are doing it and the way we are talking about fixing it.
  15. This is an argument for idiots like you and your pube friends here. Fact is the govt makes a lot on illegal immigrants thru tax revenues including ss that these people will never collect on. Most immigrants are hard workers and own their own homes and even businesses. The laziest fucks in this country are the fat stupid white people and blacks. Me and most construction related businesses would hire all Hispanics if we could. Because they are hard workers and have great attitudes.
  16. Drive by University of Chicago or uic or even down in Champaign... Lots of Asians. I don't know where these fucks get their money but we ate at a BBQ place in Champaign last week and some Indian kid pulls up in a lamborgini. I didn't think those fucks ate pork?
  17. It doesn't but that's what is focused on Everytime the immigration debate comes up. ie. Wall...
  18. I like Mexicans way more that Pollack's. Deport all of the Pollack's first. And when I say pollack that also means ukranians and Russians.
  19. I think just focusing on Mexicans is extremely racist. Don't forget Mexicans were here way before white people. Asians, Indians, Muslims and Pollack's are the Invaders!
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