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Everything posted by 02sled

  1. And somehow this is supposed to tell us how hard or easy it is to get a drivers license today compared to in the past....
  2. More stupidity from the village idiot. Maybe if your bromance lover Trudope didn't give $B's away to the rest of the world that money could go into OAS. Yeah... and you get less at 60 than you do if you wait until 65 or 70. The break even point for most people is 75. At 75 you will have collected the same amount starting at 60 as you would had you started at 65. If you start at 60 and invest that money rather than spend it the ROI makes the break even point much closer to 79/80. Given that life expectancy for the average male is 80 it makes sense to collect at 60 rather than later. Especially considering when you die all the money you put into the system is forfeit. Personally I would have preferred to have been able to opt out of CPP contributions all my life and put the same amount into investments of my own. I would be much further ahead and whatever funds would be left when I die would go to family rather than the government.
  3. More from the overactive imagination of Fail... back it up with something credible other than you say so. When I was in school we couldn't use calculators. At that time only a very few could afford one of the Scientific American portables that were if I recall about $400. In university when pocket calculators had become much more common they weren't allowed in exams. Everything was done in on paper and in your head. Now try and tell me again how those that rely on calculators are as good at math as they were 40 years ago. Another case of they didn't get Fails memo telling them the Fail reality. Just one more to add to the very long list of people with expertise he says are just wrong. When I got my license it was done at a testing centre at Keele & Hwy 401. You did the eye test and the written test. If you passed that then you went to the course beside the building. If you were able to navigate that then they took you out on the road. Like you I had to do the same, parallel park, 3 way turn, make sure I did everything right like signalling, no rolling stops, checking mirrors etc. One of my friends didn't get his license the first time and had to go back. He made one mistake the examiner thought was significant.
  4. The Gateway sorting plant in Mississauga was hit with at least 2 days of the rotating strikes.
  5. Your stupidity continues to be boundless. What I stated is that you will never be able to comprehend the higher mathematics without a SOLID competency of the fundamental mathematics. The system is failing these kids and not giving them a solid base to build upon. BS math was your subject of greatness. The objective is to filter out teachers who don't have the skills themselves that they are supposed to pass on to the students. It's not an attack on teachers. It's just tightening the qualifications for those entering teaching.
  6. Your lack of simple math continues to shine through. Most people live to 65. Holding back on the funds that get paid out at 65 provides the funds to ensure they can continue to pay those that live into their 80's and 90's. The number of people living longer is growing significantly year over year. The average for men is 80 and women 84. The life expectancy at birth for men has increased by 20.5 years, from 58.8 years in 1922 to 79.3 years in 2011. During the same period, the life expectancy of women increased by 23.0 years, from 60.6 years to 83.6 years. The plan would be unsustainable without changes. Get your calculator out and maybe just maybe you can figure that out.
  7. His tax will take far more from your pocket every time you buy something than you will ever get back. Only someone with the strong Trudope bromance like you can't see that. The union mentality is strong with you as always. Who gives a damn if business can afford what the workers want, who cares about the owners of the business making a profit which is their income. Obviously not you.
  8. Oh so pitiful a grasp at straws Fail. First my wife's friend is a teacher who began her career when you actually needed these skills. She is one of those that will be retiring in the next couple of years. Too bad you just don't grasp the concepts but that's not surprising. You need to master the basic skills in order to be able to learn the advanced mathematics. Without the foundational education you could never comprehend algebra, calculus or trigonometry. Something tells me that the bar will be set higher than addition and subtraction for a teacher. Making sure the teachers have strong math skills, not poor or mediocre is a beginning. This will get passed on to the students over the coming years. My money says you are one of those that can't figure out what 40% of 80 is without a calculator. School is to teach you much more than the basic skills. High school prepares you for university. University teaches you how to think logically and analytically as well as instills a sense of discipline. At least it should. When you finish that education it tells your employer you have the ability to learn. Then they teach you more on the job.
  9. With the exception of you I would say we are all far better at math than the kids of today. Myself... 3 maths and 3 sciences for grade 13. No you have to be a good teacher too. But you can't teach what you don't know. Kind of like the blind leading the blind. I had a horrible math teacher in grade 10. Not because he didn't know math but because he was so dull, monotone and spoke so slow everyone was put to sleep. He would have been a lousy teacher no matter what the subject. One of my wife's friends is a teacher. We recently had dinner with her and her husband. She was telling us about the student teachers she has had coming to work in the classroom with her. Their attitudes are pitiful and their skills are lousy. Having potential teachers pass a math test will at least make sure they are competent with the material they are to teach.
  10. I guess your definition of the beginning of time and mine are distinctly different. In my high school days everyone I knew could do math in their head like what is 40% of 80 without having to think about it. Today.... go to a store and the bill is $18.39. Give them a $20 bill. They enter $20 in the register then give them an extra $0.50. They look at you and say you gave them too much money and have no idea what to do with the $0.50. Kind of shows how bad their math is doesn't it. Ooops... forgot who I'm taking to about math. That would stump you too. My music teacher told me the only way I could carry a tune was in a bucket. He was right.
  11. I recall reading some time ago about a scammer who had some success unloading his TV's. Problem is they were all defective and none of them worked. He was caught but not until after he took a number of people.
  12. Way too many of them have real life useless degrees. Yes they have been scoring poorly in math since the standardized tests were brought in. The purpose was to highlight how poorly the students were doing and to set a benchmark to measure against for improvement or lack thereof. So far the education system has been failing the students since their test performance has not improved. Doug wants to fix that.... about time someone paid attention. Ask a student today what 40% of 80 is and see what they do. Without hesitation my generation would tell you the answer from their head. Today they will pull out the calculator. Tell us something we don't know... that is except for Fail.
  13. Your stupidity shines through as usual.... You have a problem with the teachers being expected to be competent in mathematics. Only you could dumb that down to teachers being able to add. I know math is one of your weakest points so you couldn't possibly become a teacher. Thank god for that. The testing of students is what identified that the students aren't learning the skills they should to the levels they should. Geez... students in Kazakhstan have better math skills. Now you expect a teacher to teach something they don't know themselves. It's time you take a remedial math course and pass it since you are supposedly spending taxpayer money and can't do basic math. I guess you missed the announcement of the consultation on sex ed last month https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2018/09/28/province-launches-sex-ed-consultations.html Actually you probably saw it but it doesn't fit your one way agenda so as usual you choose to ignore it. The government is asking for feedback on science/technology/engineering and math (STEM), the skilled trades, EQAO/standardized testing and whether or not cellphones should be used in classrooms, as well as “building a new age-appropriate health and physical education curriculum that includes subjects like mental health, sexual health education and the legalization of cannabis.” C'mon.... isn't it more important to know about gay sex then the things your boss will expect you to know.
  14. 02sled

    Sled Show

    Knowing Harry... I wouldn't be surprised if he found a way to drive a sled.
  15. Finally some sanity! Didn't Wynnebag require teachers to pass a LGBTQ knowledge test? I'm surprised she didn't. After all that's much more important than being competent in one of the basics like math.
  16. 02sled

    Sled Show

    It was amazing the things Harry was able to do. He came to work with his dog Huey and his computer talked to him through head phones. I think the fact he was fully sighted most of his life and did so many things before he lost his eye sight enabled him to do so much after he lost it. Here's an article on Harry and his black belt in Karate https://athletics.uwaterloo.ca/news/2012/6/5/CR_0605121911.aspx An international celebration of martial arts took place at the University of Waterloo from May 25 to 27 at the Columbia Icefields. Hosted by the Yudansha Kobujitsu Karate-doh Federation and the University of Waterloo Karate Club, the weekend treated over 150 participants to lessons by esteemed instructors from Italy, France, England, and Canada. The lessons covered a broad range of martial arts topics, including Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate, Ju Jitsu, Kung Fu, and martial arts philosophy. Martial arts is more than physical techniques; it has deep roots in spirituality and philosophy, which participants learned about during the event. The weekend demonstrated that martial arts is accessible to everyone, from old to young and even the disabled. Participants were inspired to learn from Shihan Harry Titus, one of the world's highest ranking blind karate black belts, and to work with wheelchair users. And a link to him playing golf https://www.ontarioblindgolf.ca/archive/Archive.htm
  17. Because he's too busy giving away $B's to the rest of the world. Who cares where the money comes from that he gives away. I for one don't support my money going to try and get Apu to stop cooking his dinner over a fire in his hut.
  18. There are lots that lack motivation. Those that choose to live on welfare all their life and those that work minimum wage all their life. They have a roof over their head, enough for beer and they are happy. Then you have those that want more out of life. In my much younger days I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store and a very short stint in a Canadian Tire store. I knew then I wanted more out of life than that income would provide. I worked my tail off while going to university to pay the bills so I could have more.
  19. 02sled

    Sled Show

    You should have seen my blind co-worker driving a cart on the golf course. Harry lost his sight in his late 20's and was one of our better programmers. He was into martial arts and a pretty good golfer too. He would drive the cart with someone telling him what to do. Slow down Harry, speed up Harry. One time.... a bit to the right Harry, slow down a bit, a bit more right.... a bit more right SLOW DOWN HARRY, HIT THE BRAKES.... WE'RE HEADED FOR THE POND!
  20. Fine by me too. There were already student loans and grants in place to help those in need. My wife and I paid for our niece and nephew's tuition. Wynnebag was an expert at spending other peoples money. The only one who would get more pleasure out of spending other peoples money is Horvath.
  21. The low life's doing this already got a 23% increase last year. Yup... we lose well paying full time jobs and gain low paying part time jobs. Fail sees that as a good thing because the spin doctors just look at the net number of jobs. I don't drive my truck as much as I used to when I drove to work every day. Trudopes added tax on the gas would have cost me $93 more so far this year. Then there's the increased costs that will be passed on to the consumer for everything including gas. The refineries will be paying more, the cost of delivery to the station will be more. The cost of groceries, everything will be more. Add in cost for gas for the boats, the sleds and my wife's vehicle.... we will be in the hole. there was a spike that is typically seen as seasonal businesses hire students for the summer... then they go back to school and the seasonal demand is over.
  22. 02sled

    Sled Show

    Gotta love it when you're at a conference waiting for your space to be set up. A guy comes by with the table and chairs and you don't have the carpet yet. You ask about the carpet and get told that's somebody else's job. Finally the guys show up with the carpet and roll it out. You're paying a shit load of $'s so you ask him about setting up the folding table and chairs now that the carpet is down.... sorry that's the other guys job. He'll have to come back and do that. Rather than wait you do it yourself in the minute and a half it takes. You ask where your boxes of materials are.... that's somebody else's job. Just before I retired we had a contract for IT services with a Canadian aircraft builder. Their assembly area is huge and it's a very long walk from one end to the other. They have golf carts in use in that area. We wanted to acquire a golf cart at our expense for our IT people to get around, including delivering hardware providing quicker service. The response.... sorry.... only union members with a operating a golf cart in their job description were allowed to operate a golf cart. Absolutely nobody else.
  23. I have some swamp land in Florida for you. $5K to $8K for a 18 yr. old basic truck. Right..
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