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Everything posted by Cat45

  1. Yeah they were capable of good speed back then. Said he crashed out of the race in the bog on day 2. Might be the guy you were thinking of
  2. Was just looking at the write up on the 05 I 500. Mike Gentz on a Yamaha was radared at 126 on the river. Pretty damn fast for full ride height terrain setup
  3. There was a guy from Illinois or wi that ran yami back then. Died in a motorcycle wreck if i remember right. Been awhile now....
  4. I never did the 500 but i remember hearing about the crash, just can't remember who. Might have been wadena when he was on a nytro?
  5. I remember back in uscc days when davidson was running everybody down with his rx1. Pretty hard for an f6 to stay with him on the rivers and lakes
  6. What happened with herfindahl? Sled problems?
  7. That's all we got up north too. Trails are decent, logging roads are great!
  8. Pub and grub by washburn is always a good stop
  9. That will be reported as " ex president builds up terrorist organization from his headquarters at trump hotel"
  10. So it was an armed standoff, but the only shot fired was from a cop shooting an unarmed woman? Non of the trump insurgents with the scary black rifles and high capacity magazines fired a shot?
  11. They have proposed a mileage tax, but theres alot of discussion on how to record the mileage accurately. 1 idea that's way out there is GPS type tracking, but of course they promise not to use it for anything but mileage
  12. That's Bernie? Shit, i thought it was pouty snacks
  13. Most of my dem friends tell me just because he ran on it during the campaign doesn't mean he means it. WTF! I think i need new friends
  14. So welfares bad now? I thought that was the pet project for the libs?
  15. Absolutely! Take from those that have and give to those that don't. It's the new way to do things
  16. He's got nothing intelligent to add but he can't help but respond.
  17. This trickles down to the rv industry that I'm in also. Used to run trailers to alberta and bc every week for years, now there's hardly anything going up there anymore. This will affect the factories in Indiana and all the small businesses that transport stuff to the oil field. Oilfield workers like to spend money on toys, rvs, sleds atv sxs. It's all going to be impacted
  18. He doesn't have $200m. He's not allowed to have any of it after he loses. You already know that though right?
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