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Everything posted by NaturallyAspirated

  1. BDS and TDS are like vomit and the shits. Pass on having either! Neal
  2. Put in a new Honeycrisp and a Colette Pear tree in beside the garden. đŸª´ Neal
  3. Pete, you might have some of the BDS that’s going around…. Neal
  4. Just like hail damage on the roof, windows, or siding of your house would. Put the solar system on, have it covered under insurance, and sit back and let it make money for ya. Neal
  5. Iran retaliated about as hard as it could, and it was quite feeble. It’s a great mess over there. Neal
  6. As they should. Loss of life and damage to property are crimes we often hold as accountable to peoples actions or neglect. Neal
  7. His position on taxation of the churches is spot on. They are about 200 years in arrears! Neal
  8. Good deal, war is good for the economy! Let's bomb some shit! Neal
  9. Israel is gonna fuck some shit up if Iran winds up. Neal
  10. Strange is THE worst tv announcer speaker I have ever heard. He wanders off script and can't use proper grammar. Sheesh. Neal
  11. No, but we come to Manchester, will have to do a cruise. Get some Maine ones too! Neal
  12. No, do your own work. Don’t be so entitled. Neal
  13. Absolutely. And Biden has given his wandering in the clouds stare ever since. A couple of complete dinks. Neal
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