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Everything posted by motonoggin

  1. Fascism is capitalism in decay. The rich end up running shit in a fascist society.
  2. Imagine thinking one of the richest men in the world is against fascism...
  3. I didn't say anything about communism. Corporatism is capitalism.
  4. Lol there is no such thing as a free market under capitalism. Capitalism needs the state to forge monetary policy, enforce contracts, protect private property, and protect trade.
  5. The federal reserve is also run by capitalists. The whole fuckin world is run by capitalists, so when you say "that's not capitalism" I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
  6. Communists are generally anti-malthusian
  7. If your plan was depopulation, why would you inscribe it in stone in the first place lmao
  8. Imagine tying your status as a man to the type of propulsion your vehicle uses lmao
  9. Lol you can tell who's not been filing their taxes for a while...
  10. Imagine being so fucking brain dead that you think Democrats are socialists. LMAO
  11. Fuck all cops, including your brother/cousin/son/in-laws, etc. Probably abusing their spouse anyway because almost half of cops openly admit to domestic abuse...
  12. No one wants to punish white people for slavery and jim crow lol
  13. Tbf, most people are pretty shitty. Assuming people are/aren't based on race, religion, and social status is where white culture always gets it wrong.
  14. For sure, obviously that doesn't mean there aren't bad Black people, but klanners don't do nuance, so your thought process is seen as "nigger love".
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