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Everything posted by ckf

  1. Temperature is up to 73 after a morning low of 54. Forecast is calling for sunshine with a high of 87.
  2. Brother in-law was up camping at the state park down the road for the past week with his 3 boys. They said they were cold in the lean two last night.
  3. 89° is the highest temperature we have had here in the 3 years we've lived here, that was last summer
  4. Currently 72° after reaching a high of 81° here today.
  5. BBQ Chicken thighs, baked taters, and sweet corn.
  6. Getting ready to throw some chicken thighs on the kettle
  7. Temperature is already 63F after a morning low of 42F. Forecast is calling for sunny skies with a high of 81F
  8. Because a lot of people use the same password for every site they visit, including banking passwords.
  9. That's why we try to stay on top of software updates, especially if they mention a security update.
  10. What's up? I read about it on the admin zone https://theadminzone.com/threads/hacker-steals-45-million-accounts-from-hundreds-of-car-tech-sports-forums.140757/
  11. Anyone that is a member of HCS or any other VerticalScope website better change their password. But a further analysis of the leaked database, obtained by breach notification site LeakedSource.com, suggests that the scope of data may be greater than first thought. In a sample given to ZDNet, the database shows email addresses, passwords that were hashed and salted passwords with MD5 (an algorithm that nowadays is easy to crack), as well as a user's IP address (which in some cases can determine location), and the site that the record was taken from. LeakedSource confirmed the findings in a blog post, published Tuesday. The group said in its blog post that it was "likely that VerticalScope stored all of their data on interconnected or even the same servers as there is no other way to explain a theft on such a large scale." Three major social networks have quietly fallen victim to data breaches. Despite some success, patience and trust is now fading. Despite a push in recent years for stronger encryption and fixing security flaws, the forums thought to be affected by the breach fell far behind industry security norms. A cursory search of the list of domains caught up in the hack revealed that none of the sites we checked offered basic HTTPS website encryption, which would prevent usernames and passwords from being intercepted. Many of the forums ran versions of vBulletin software dating back to 2007. Most were running software versions that were easily exploitable by hackers with known vulnerabilities. A blog post from security reporter Brian Krebs from 2013 showed that older versions of the vBulletin forums that were vulnerable could be easily searched with readily-available attack tools. It's not clear who carried out the hack. A LeakedSource group member said it was "not related" to the recent hacks against MySpace, LinkedIn, and Tumblr. As of Tuesday, the company has not made any public statement in relation to the hack. Unlike in other recent other breaches, this data does not appear to be for sale on the dark web -- for now. http://www.zdnet.com/article/hacker-steals-45-million-accounts-from-hundreds-of-verticalscope-car-tech-sports-forums/
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