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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. So what you are saying is it doesn't fit the word for word WiKi definition. There will always be government intervention, taxation, regulations etc, but the US and Canada are likely the most free market you are gonna get. I rarely watch TV and I certainly don't want to know who the US plans to invade next.
  2. Who does then? Its about as free as you are gonna get.
  3. Have done the automation for many in Ontario, both Water and Waste prior to going my own way.
  4. Its the first time buyers without any help who are SOL. The stats still show strong sales, until that trend reverses I don't see any price retractions. I hope it at least cools down somewhat.
  5. I have wondered that myself.
  6. Maybe the tards should implement population control since we don't really want these kids anyways.
  7. What no latex gloves? A real mechanic's hands.
  8. Homes are priced at what the market is willing to pay given the current conditions, that is an unarguable fact. Market conditions, interest rates, confidence can change. People obviously do not mind taking on huge mortgages believing their home will continue to rise. We have gotten way beyond the historical average, the last correction (crash) saw prices decline for more than a decade. I hope it keeps going up or at least holds current valuations. http://www.bnn.ca/News/2016/5/31/Bank-of-Nova-Scotias-CEO-calls-on-Ottawa-to-raise-down-payment-rules-again.aspx
  9. That will change if Fail decides to come back. Lol.
  10. Sorry, I was commenting on the idea of should I do her or not? And I agreed with you, there is no amount of alcohol or any drugs that could change that. Lol.
  11. Is that what the intelligent debate was supposed to be about? Should I or shouldn't I?
  12. Heavyweights, lol. I would say some debating at best and for the most part a good percentage of the members don't even sled, go figure. I could have posted a few Justin Trudeau threads depicting his constant blunders, but said WTF. I try to say out of US politics since i'm Canadian. Have at it.
  13. Some folks decided to gang up on Rob that didn't like how he was running things, so he had enough and shut it down.
  14. Interest rates won't rise for some time. The cad has more to do with oil and what the us is doing with interest rates. I think it will trade sideways with down pressure, but nobody really knows.
  15. Been a housing boom for the past 20 years and was expecting a correction/crash some time ago. Don't see rates rising here yet for a while.
  16. Good luck. Would be surprised to see homes that far north sell that quick. Be patient.
  17. Some don't even make it to market and are shown to good potential clients before anyone else.
  18. Where are you located? I know homes near my cottage are not selling as fast as in the city.
  19. Was in the office and heard after the first tower was hit. Had to visit a customer a few weeks later crossing the hover dam, tight security.
  20. Sure, but they will likely end up suing the zoo.
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