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Everything posted by jtssrx

  1. You clearly don’t know what the definition of ad hominem or gas lighting are or you do and you just want to fuck with me which is more likey
  2. COVID vaccines and pregnancy: >416,186 spontaneous abortions due to the vaccine A new analysis by Dr. Jessica Rose estimates the number of spontaneous abortions caused by the COVID vaccines. It's over 416,186 to date. I've notified the CDC, but I don't expect to hear back. Steve KirschJan 28 Here’s Jessica’s article on spontaneous abortions (SA) post-vaccination. The true under reporting factor (URF) for miscarriages is 49. This article is about calculating the URF using the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). It was released recently and contains breath-taking data. This data set is special because it contains up-to-date data for every individual in the U.S. military with regards to their existing diseases, medical history and personal data… Read more 7 days ago · 30 likes · 8 comments · Jessica Rose Basically, using rate data recently released from the Department of Defense, she computes an under reporting factor (URF) for VAERS for spontaneous abortions is 118. Since there are 3,527 reports of SA in the US in 2021, this represents 416,186 actual events. But a small number of those were not caused by the vaccine, somewhere around 1%. Using the DMED data, the five-year average was 1,499 codes for miscarriages per year. During the first 10 months of 2021, it was 4,182. So that’s 3.4X the baseline rate (when extended to an annual rate). The sanity checks both pass Now, let’s do a “ballpark” sanity check on the VAERS numbers. In DMED, SAs after vax were 3.4X the baseline rate. In the US there are around 750K miscarriages per year. So if we multiply that by 3.4 and assume that 20% of the women were vaccinated within the first or second trimester (where the effect is largest), we get 510K which is not far from our VAERS estimate of 416K. Our second sanity check is the URF of 118. We’ve determined before a URF for the most serious adverse events at 41. For less serious events, especially ones that nobody thinks is caused by the vaccine and is often many months from vaccination is easily 3X higher. So that makes sense as well. I’ve notified the CDC of this, but I don’t expect them to change their policy of recommending the vaccine to pregnant women. Also note that pregnant women were NOT included in the vaccine trials. It is medical malpractice to recommend the vaccines to pregnant women. The CDC repeatedly declared them safe for pregnant women without complete data. I don’t expect the mainstream media to question the CDC on this at all. I’m sure they will all ignore it. Supporting evidence in VAERS Plenty of evidence in VAERS showing the vaccine messes with a woman’s reproductive organs just as we predicted from the biodistribution data (which targeted the ovaries). You can view both the biodistribution data and the menstrual adverse effect data in this VAERS analysis article I wrote in November, 2022. See also this article about IVF clinics and what happened in Singapore and syncytin-1. For others, may I suggest if you disagree with this that you show us an error in the data or methodology?
  3. That’s not a ad hominem. I specifically addressed his comments
  4. PM me your question and Ill do my best to answer. again I didn’t run away. So agree to Disagree
  5. Are you taking an Antihistamine to dry you out? another thing you can try is Mucinex D
  6. I answered you and everyone else questions multiple times and was met with the same answer or an insult. Look at your reply above "you ran like a bitch". This is exactly how you acted in the flat earth thread, It got old. I never cared what you guys believed. I respect your opinion. It was you and the others that seemed to be butt hurt that I dare think otherwise. Now it doesn't matter what I post you run around posting flat earth flat earth. It's very telling.
  7. I'm sure it's as dumb as the shit here. When you blindly support any topic or group of people you tend to look like an idiot. I used to be the same way I blindly defend the second gulf war. Then I woke up and figured out that the RINO republicans were no different than the democrats. Just like many many things trump pulled were RINO republican like. Call a spade a spade don't be a partisan hack
  8. You clearly can't read dumbfuck. I was very specific on what I said the feds were paying for and why I thought insurance profits were rising. I wasn't refering to anything in his list I quoted you dumbfuck
  9. I saw this and I guess the lady that's leading the charge on election reform is running against this RINO now.
  10. The guy is a total dipshit. Snowrider level stupid. I see he lives in Minnesota. I bet he supports Ilhan Omar
  11. I've seen multiple right leaning people speak out against her being suspended. You will never see the left do that because they are the ones leading the cancel culture
  12. Start taking Zinc quersitin C and D3. Try to get Ivermectin and a z pack
  13. It’s hilarious how your posts look just like Snowrider and other leftist twats that post or have posted on this site. I said nothing about cancer treatment. I specifically said hospitals are labeling everything covid to be reimbursed by the feds. I specifically referenced project veritas latest whistleblower expose That exposed this practice. This is exactly why I have you blocked because you can’t have an adult conversation about anything. You play the stupid fucking baby games and try to twist what people say.
  14. The feds are flipping the cost of all this covid bs of course Insurance companies are turning huge profits. Anything labeled covid gets billed to the feds. And hospitals are purposely labeling everything covid because the feds are paying out huge dollars on covid claims. Project Veritas just did a story on this
  15. DEVASTATING NEGATIVE EFFICACY Public Health Scotland COVID-19 & Winter Statistical Report As at 31January 2022 Publication date: 02 February 2022 The Scottish data mirrors the latest UK data that the vaccine is driving escalations in infection, hospitalization, and deaths especially in the double vaccinated (vaccinated on the whole) Dr. Paul Alexander 16 hr ago 51 15 The findings are once again devastating and shows that the vaccinated is getting massively infected especially the double vaccinated and it appears that the unvaccinated are getting less infected; this lines up with GEERT Vanden Bossche’s assertion that there is ‘learning’ or ‘training’ of the innate Abs in the unvaccinated… https://www.publichealthscotland.scot/media/11404/22-02-02-covid19-winter_publication_report.pdf In Scotland, there has been a very high uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine. As of 28 January 2022, 89.6% of 18 years old and over have received a second dose and 73.6% have received a third dose or booster of COVID-19 vaccine. What do we see in Table 14? Page 41. We see that the double vaccinated are at greatest risk of infection and that the unvaccinated continues to be at lowest risk. The boostered (triple vaccinated) is also at elevated risk of infection over the unvaccinated. Rates have increased for all vaccine statuses since the emergence of Omicron in December. Cases: Hospitalization risk, again highest for the double vaccinated: Death: As seen, the risk of death is far greater over the unvaccinated, when one is single or double vaccinated, looking at the most current week (grey rows) 15 Jan to 21 Jan, 2022. Subscribe to Alexander COVID News epidemiologist evidence based medicine By Dr. Paul Alexander · Hundreds of subscribers COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2: natural immunity; innate immunity; vaccines and immune pressure; no vaccines for children; early outpatient treatment; lockdowns; school closures and mask mandates
  16. The state of Michigan runs PSA’s all day long for vaccines. They have doctors repeating the lie that the are safe and effective. They push them on pregnant women and are now pushing them on kids. These doctors that are doing these commercials should have their medical licenses revoked
  17. Fuck this cunt. She’s a RINO, she only signed it because of political pressure after she rejected it because of pressure from the NCAA last year.
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