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Everything posted by Snoslinger

  1. don't care for her at all, but every now and then she nails it.
  2. oh yeah, and add "putin loving" to the list of trump characteristics
  3. my point was that a shot below the waist, to disable the suspect, was very possible at the short distances being discussed at the time. but in typical fashion, you spin it to imply i was saying a dead-center knee shot at 100'.
  4. ah smails, i see you've fell into the hole again. the reasons race relations have taken a negative turn are quite obvious.
  5. another example of the stupidity in here. a cop shooting someone below the waist to disable them and immobilize them is damn near impossible, yet taking a kill shot to the head or chest, at the same distance, is very possible and warranted. think much?
  6. dude you're already there, and have been there for a long time.
  7. the country was in a huge mess - millions of jobs were being lost, our economy was in the shitter, we were in a real war with many troops on the ground and being killed daily, osb was alive and well, etc etc etc. all this after 8 years of GOP control, and having to listen to the repukes, and their weak minded followers, telling everyone "all is well" in that span, when it was obvious they weren't. bring us to today. millions of jobs have been created, economy is much better, much much less troops on the ground, obl and other high ranking terrorists dead and constantly being sought after.... and the repukes are crying about how bad everything is now and blaming the dems for it? to top it off, you want to put a narcissistic, greedy, short sighted, foreign policy lacking, hot-headed, shoot-first-ask-questions-later, system abusing, job offshoring, non-citizen hiring, magic wall building.....dimwit in the white house? GMAFB. rwws are the most fucked up, brain dead, dishonest, gullible dimwits i've ever seen. if someone had told me years ago that the gop would fall this low, i'd have called them fucking nuts. are you proud?
  8. OMG that's awful. i swear some of you have never seen conventions before. did you watch the conventions?
  9. you're sheer entertainment, obviously. what makes things even more humorous is that because there are more dip shits here than clued in people, you think you're right and we're wrong. like a house full of retards thinking their normal because the counselor is different.
  10. man you've turned into quite the dumb ass too, pitiful. you don't think some of those pics and vids may have been taken during slow parts of the day, or during breaks between speakers, etc etc etc ? if any of you dimwits actually watched the conventions for yourselves, you'd have a clue as to who filled the halls, and when. but most probably didn't watch. instead they tune in to many of the right wing dimwits outlets, like this place, for their info and then just pass it on to the next dimwit.
  11. lmao. you clowns never disappoint. obviously many of you aren't tuned in to reality, which is nothing new.
  12. i'm not drinking any kool-aid. i voted bernie and still think he'd be the lest candidate, by far, to run this country. when it comes down to hillary and trump though? the choice is obvious. if anyone is drinking any kool-aid it's you. so much in fact you won't even listen to bernie any more
  13. FACT - hillary did not have the power to do this all herself, especially with the beady, watchful eyes of the repukes who were part of the deals at the time too. yet another bogus hillary witch hunt. doesn't it get old?
  14. nah, that would be the nutjobs thinkking this is some kind of "scandal" OMG the dnc was favoring one of their own!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. like many others, because they can't afford to pay any higher wages. you believe that?
  16. this, after seeing all the "influence" the rnc tried to throw into their election? paleez. i'd love to see some rnc e-mails. where are they, mr putin?
  17. still clueless about politics i see. you are really surprised to learn that the dem committee, headed by a woman, had some leanings towards a certain female dem candidate, over an independent one? i hate to tell you but bernie, and the vast majority of his supporters, got over this big "scandal"
  18. thanks. hope all is well with you. i just stop by now and then to see what the latest laugh is.
  19. why did you pick cruz? no, i think you were more of a kasich type guy, or christy, or bush, or rubio.
  20. if trump said it's cool to hire illegals this afternoon, the trumpsters would agree.
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