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Everything posted by Catman

  1. Also recorded. That is what an ambassador does, you visit government officials. But it's the same thing as lying about meeting him in a clandestine room during the Republican convention. Same thing !)
  2. The electoral college should be proportional as in Maine and Nebraska. Makes zero sense for a state to have a few thousand votes difference in popular vote and yet they can get many electoral college votes in the winner take all situation. It's surprising there are only 2 states that have made any kind of change. And people wonder why nobody gets out and votes!
  3. You were wrong, just admit it and move on. & You confuse ideology with bias and journalistic integrity. Yawn. If you were paying attention during those 40 years you wouldn't have suggested they are failing. You know, not being ignorant and bias.
  4. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest that's what you read for. and you were still dead fucking wrong in your assessment. I made no point for you, maybe in some alternate fucking universe. The NYT is alive, well and growing unlike most of their industry. That was my point and is the exact fucking opposite of what you agreed with.
  5. Blatently Incorrect actually, dummy Wrong. Print media has, the NYT is a positive anomaly in an otherwise dead business. They have the highest digital subscription base of ANY publication, and their total readership is still higher than pre-digital publications. Most papers are well below their pre digital numbers or long gone. Totally clueless you are They only have about 1.6 million subscribers, which is huge actually. Another know nothing moron
  6. But he's done such great things for the citizens of Alamaba! Guy was lined up to be VP apparently
  7. "He tried to" What similarity does that have with today's events? None is the answer, regardless of your statement's very limited credibility in the first place. Totally fucking irrelevant
  8. Well I wasn't even on this site and that never happened in That context. You are the Ring leader for mass stupidity on this site. Everyone knows it. You and Momorider lead the charge that's for sure. Basically everything you say the opposite is true. Too fucking funny
  9. Ya im "butthurt". You fucking idiot. Applaud taking your own rights away before your own eyes. Total Fucking Idiot Scumbag
  10. I have no issue being called a faggot, could careless, it's not an insult. Cats have always treated me well but I have no loyalty to them. But when someone says repeatedly dumb things one must question whether calling that person a retard is really below the belt Soni apologize. How someone can say such dumb things and not actually be retarded is the saddest of all.
  11. No of course it doesn't silly. But this is about tearing shit down not logic. They will just say fox sucks too and yet still agree with 85% of what they publish... This reaction by the trumpets is the scariest thing of all. People so dumb they applaud blatently authoritarian and Constitutional benevolence. Shame
  12. I don't know why don't you share that with us? You can also share the relevancy while you're at it.
  13. Jesus fucking Christ. Who is suggesting replacing ALL gas powered vehicles??? Try to think about what you say instead of the constant verbal diarrhea...
  14. Totally wrong lol. Wage war on education and what do you think you'll gain from it? More education? Fucking idiot
  15. Rrrrrright because that's the problem ! Lmao
  16. Don't forget how wrapped up "he" is in how those pieces of fucking shit illegal immigrants working for nothing taking jobs I should get paid 80k to do so I can buy that piece of shit truck when I should really ride a bike because I'm going to have a heart attack before I'm 65.......
  17. You realize money is meaningless right? It's just numbers on paper with some fancy designs. Meaningless. Just like your thoughts and your entire life
  18. Let what sink in? That number is meaningless without context.
  19. See lots of Tesla's muskoka. Easy for range. Solutions are expanding rapidly. Since there are so many people driving to chapleau every year! LMAO. Most people never drive more than a few kms each way and most live in cities. Tesla batteries are as good as the life of the car. They can be recycled and refurbished. You're a fucking clown show moron.
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