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Everything posted by Catman

  1. Hey tomatoe face. Amazon Uber What do they have in common other than putting middle class Americans out of work? Venture capital Globalization - #1 reason Trump was elected either directly or indirectly. We need to change how we interact politically. The Internet has made a dummy like you think you know things but in reality you know less of what is necessary to make rationale decisions, both with respect to how you vote and how you treat people who may have voted differently from you. I believe that us what Analer was getting at. Case in point "Liberal" is now a bad word in some circles; which is incredibly disturbing. Edit: I would add that "redneck" is as well but only in the sense that so many pepole who aren't even close to redneck use it as a badge of honor. The way the "Liberals" look down on much of conservative middle America is equally depressing but not as vile.
  2. Reread what I wrote. You don't fucking get it and it's mostly because you don't read! I work in private equity and venture capital everyday. You? Heres a clue: Main reasons trump elected? I assume you don't know so I'll be back in 10 to reiterate. I'm not connecting dots for dummy though
  3. The irony! Analer never said that the politician or companies shoukd do what is right. He said YOU need to.
  4. Pretty sure I'm the only one who pointed out that venture capitalists are part of the problem. I've been more "original" in my short time here than you likely will be ever and you play the troll game with nothing but bullshit and semantics behind it. Analer is the originator, I'm just his follower today. So Where is your originality?
  5. Yes you do or did you not mean it when you said it can't work? Your first post was to question and the second was to discredit based on a false narrative; "capitalism". Too stubbornly partisan to think or "innovate" for yourself even in a basic internet discussion. Pathetic, which makes YOU the problem Anler identified!
  6. Get fucked douchebag. Ditch diggers add value. Try reading Anlers post instead of condescending it. That seems to be your mo though. I can't believe you think so highly of yourself, you must be the seconomy coming!. I'd put any amount of money on the people around you not feeling the same way at all.
  7. The United states is a welfare state and it can work well if there are parameters of justice setup within the political process. The entire world is a capitalist society with maybe 1 exception. Venture capitalist are your saving grace lmfao. The scourge they've left is a huge reason Trump was elected!
  8. Guys on this site should have to read this and rewrite 10 times before they're allowed to post anything themselves Great post
  9. LCD; no they're electronic. It's the least hardcore of all illegal drugs in terms of physical, mental and side effect impact. Short term it fucks you up more than coca in but is not nearly as "hardcore".
  10. Hardcore drugs. LMAO Break out of that bubble you live in!
  11. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/microdosing-psilocybin-depression-184
  12. Did acid in high school and hadn't seen it or looked for it since until this summer at a music festival there were a ton of people tripping on it. I stick to mushrooms these days, usually just in the summer a few times. Theres a new trend in mushrooms to grind and compress into equally weighted caps and add some peppermint or other natural flavoring to mask the gross shroom taste. Highly recommended!
  13. You posted that, right?
  14. there it is. break back out into the "it's a hoax" routine. Your "scientist" David Wilcock is a crackpot science fiction writer lmao http://divinecosmos.com Try this instead http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg3/ipcc_wg3_ar5_chapter11.pdf https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/08jan_sunclimate
  15. Nasa, NOAA, FAO, UN dubious sources to the tin foil hat crowd. lmfao I don't have the time to rake you guys over the coals all day but it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
  16. You really are this dumb. wow. http://www.universetoday.com/94468/1981-climate-change-predictions-were-eerily-accurate/ https://www.sciencenews.org/article/changing-climate-10-years-after-inconvenient-truth
  17. This site has to contain the highest number of inbred retards I've ever been on. if this is any indication of the state were in as a planet, good fuck we're doomed
  18. Look another genius. there is a huge difference between questioning (hypothesising) amd throwing shit against the wall hoping it will stick. Sadly obvious what you guys are going with.
  19. No fucking shit retard, learn to read; scientists have been studying the topic for over 100 years.
  20. In as early as 1896 Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius published works on greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide. A Nobel Prize winner and later director of the Nobel institute. Yes the ozone layer appears to be "healing", which is great and the reason is simple; we banned cfc's decades ago which was the primary driver of ozone layer depletion. This doesn't change the fact man made greenhouse gases are trapped in our atmosphere causing global warming and climage change. I've given you all the facts on livestock and the land used for not only their grazing but their feed and the water they use yet you continue to ignore these facts because you're too thick headed and stupid to belive it's possible, let alone read anything I've posted which backs up these fact or better stull, research it yourself. Keep calling me dumb, please! you're fucking retard! read something!
  21. Since you have such a hard time comprehending I'll break it out point blank for you - thousands of scientists study climate change - climate change has been studied for over 100 years in science. - the specifics of your questions are fucking irrelevant. Some cattle are grass fed organic, some are grain fed factory style, and lots inbetween. the fact is it takes 1.5 to 2 acres to raise and feed a cow calf pair according to the usda. I'm certain some can use more and some use less and it all depends on where they are what kind of farm they want and are able to run. Your example using 1 friend's ranch is totally fucking irrelevant! fuck you're dumb! - which scientists? where is their funding from? https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1097070.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjwj5Gn9e3QAhUCRiYKHSbfBtAQFggvMAE&usg=AFQjCNG_0kCSxTEJj9_29XVnhDZ6L6fMbA&sig2=BYFtLTlSFtMBtjoCjiakIA https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/grass-fed-beef-is-just-as-bad-for-the-environment-as-grain-fed/&ved=0ahUKEwjJhb7h8-3QAhUI-GMKHSRUAWoQFghJMAQ&usg=AFQjCNGzfC2LtfIIx9fg-LTyggD94Q2SHw&sig2=xiYwsDUk75bNXwF0Rhzpng
  22. Garbage and human excrement is a big issue but that doesn't disprove anything I've been talking about. Livestock production of methane in particular is a far greater issue. Human waste represents 3-5% of total green house gas emissions, far less than the 25% for animal agriculture or the 15% from transportation based based emissions. http://www.unep.or.jp/Ietc/Publications/spc/Waste&ClimateChange/Waste&ClimateChange.pdf https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data
  23. A. Learn to read and B. Great, your fucking drive home from the cottage now disproves thousands of scientists and study for over 100 years. C. your friends cattle ranch is 25-50% less size than recommended D. you're an idiot
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