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Everything posted by BOHICA

  1. About like auto dealership raising what they charge for a vehicle to non coffee drinkers cause they offer free coffee to customers that drink coffee. 😂
  2. No they don’t. They use it as an incentive to get more customers in and sell more rooms. Kind of like rewards programs offered by hotels to get more customers. Lots of business offer incentives to get people in the doors and buy products which don’t cost other consumers that chose to not take advantage of incentives and specials.
  3. A 2020 Consumer Reports studysimilarly showed that EV drivers tend to spend about 60 percent less each year on fuel costs compared to drivers of gas-powered cars. And in 2023, the nonpartisan policy firm Energy Innovation released a report showing that these savings benefit drivers across the United States: Every EV model in every state is cheaper to fill than a gas-powered vehicle. These savings are largely based on the fact that current EVs are 2.6 to 4.8 times more efficient at traveling a mile compared to a gasoline internal combustion engine, according to real world data collected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). https://www.nrdc.org/stories/electric-vs-gas-cars-it-cheaper-drive-ev
  4. My rate at hotels is the same whether I have an EV or not. Most Hilton hotels don’t ask if you even have a vehicle unless they charge for parking which is rare from my experience.
  5. Right from your article. Tesla is the second highest ranked domestic on CR list. “Different brands are having different reliability issues. Tesla, despite a legion of horror stories, finds itself very middle of the pack in terms of overall reliability, and in general it builds dependable EV powertrains—less so bodywork, paint/trim, and climate systems. It's the second-highest ranked domestic automaker in CR's list, and its two volume offerings, the Models 3 and Y, have average reliability, according to CR's data and predictions.”
  6. 😂 your co worker is an idiot. Model s modules are a favorite for home back up power and solar storage. Old batteries bring good money. https://www.ebay.com/itm/395281111022?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1w5xBZoDjRUK_xIa2Hk6bhw13&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=395281111022&targetid=1644837434323&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9033313&poi=&campaignid=21214270471&mkgroupid=159705723285&rlsatarget=pla-1644837434323&abcId=9407517&merchantid=427087169&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh8-UDxEidrVVbtlxJXOFMPGa&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZinCBwkXa_yDKUk15ES6_4WGz5mhzChMpdeItMgnYdtJE7R0iZ3SaRoCGNoQAvD_BwE
  7. Most definitely. Tesla's own data show Model S and X batteries retain about 90 percent of their original capacity on average over 200,000 miles of use. Tesla CEO Elon Musk also once tweeted that the battery pack in the Model 3 and Model Y was designed to last 1,500 charging cycles, which translates to about 300,000 miles for Standard Range models and about 500,000 miles for Long Range versions. https://www.motortrend.com/features/how-long-does-a-tesla-battery-last/
  8. 100% salvage vehicles they bring lots of money. Bid on this one on copart is up to $9500. Lots of after market like them for swaps in classic cars and such. https://www.copart.com/lot/47189554/Photos/clean-title-2020-tesla-model-y-nc-gastonia
  9. They bring good money just for the battery. https://www.ebay.com/itm/285218241284?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=285218241284&targetid=1645685073248&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1016202&poi=&campaignid=20133407470&mkgroupid=147476396765&rlsatarget=pla-1645685073248&abcId=9312979&merchantid=118875706&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh9moY2b0eSRr-Uusm2QEZpUH&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZgwiEco0KP-VAuUpyqlxqvkX_WOQTcuP0RdRHRu94PGGxRGcY7FtZBoCQnUQAvD_BwE
  10. Batteries last much longer than that. Couple 100k miles and 15 plus years
  11. Grid and battery recycling is expanding as needed currently. Just not a lot of feed stock for battery recycling as of yet.
  12. The range estimates on the Rivian are pretty dang accurate from my experience. Probably pushing a 1000 miles of towing with it so have a good idea on the accuracy
  13. Empty twin axle car hauler. You said empty snowmobile trailer in your post and it’s good for similar.
  14. Around 240 miles range with empty trailer….
  15. I don’t have range anxiety. Don’t plug in until I go to bed and it charges up while I sleep. @Rigid1 just did a shopping cart…. $88 install, $13 disposal fee for a grand total of $800 and a few dollars after veteran discount for a 60,000 mile tread warranty all season tire. They would also price match track so take another $24 off the total. Think I will get over 60,000 out of mine based on the wear they are seeing.
  16. They are not snow tires…. The are 3 peak all seasons. They also have a 60,000 mile tread life warranty. 10% veteran discount at discount tire…. So after mounting and balancing and tire disposal a shade over $800 for 4 tires
  17. Never seen that happen. Doesn’t look like an EV charger plug though.
  18. Nokians for the Tesla are just under $200 a tire. But then I also get a veteran discount so mounting and balanced and old tire disposal fee I think all in all I think it was $800 and a few dollars for a set of 4
  19. Usually stay at hotels visiting family. Never have plugged in at a families house but they are more like an airplane ride away. Wife’s family is all around 30-40 miles from our location. Got 2 chargers in my garage so no need to plug into neighbors. I would never run an extension cord for an EV as to much crate drop. most decent hotels anymore offer free charging for EV’s
  20. 2022 model bought in December of 21. Company pays me mileage. Works out better then a company truck as I don’t have room at my house for a company truck.
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