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Everything posted by sear

  1. Yes. You have a First Amendment right to be wrong. Perhaps as much or more amazing how wobbly are his detractors. Senator Ted Cruz had some very unflattering things to say about the Republican nominee. And now Cruz, the ostensible man of principle, has endorsed Trump. Let's all just hope that when Senator Cruz' head stops spinning, his face is to the front again.
  2. I gather President GHWB has already pledged his vote for Hillary. When was the last time a Republican former president voted for a Democrat? I'd say this election cycle is "unusual".
  3. I think the tax payer needs protection from too big to fail.
  4. I'm a libertarian and a Libertarian. I've had my eye on Governor Johnson since I saw the puff piece CBS 60 Minutes did on him years ago. I hadn't ruled him out, but have virtually done so. I doubt he has the character necessary for the office. I don't know what that means. I don't want to fight. I want to vote for the candidate so we'll have no fight, no War. Oh. And yet you found it relevant enough to reply? I believe "introduce" / "reintroduce" is the wrong verb. I believe "address" is the more accurate word. The word "loyal" appears in the subject line. That's not my idea. I addressed it. I wasn't aware it was in dispute or doubt.
  5. I failed to make clear: I referred to Speaker Gingrich before. What I didn't mention was, it was Gingrich that was instrumental in having Clinton impeached. I didn't introduce the topic of loyalty. I merely observed that Trump's own loyalty level is quite low. I've heard interviews of persons, former business partners Trump has stiffed. They don't seem very confident in Trump loyalty. I doubt his first few wives do either. And we're supposed to prefer Trump over the Libertarian why? Gary Johnson may not be a foreign policy genius. But at least he has executive experience in government. Trump has never even been dog catcher.
  6. It's widely reported to have been the move televiewed candidate debate in U.S. history. The one I'm looking forward to is the one VP debate. Those two dudes are both sharp. [/quote]
  7. "He only cares about himself but in this day and age what difference does it make if he had one wife or on his third?" #173 The topic title is: Thus: "loyalty" is the issue. Indeed! That's what philanderers do. BUT !! The Republican demigod, Ronald Reagan got divorced, and then remarried. The Republican Speaker of the House, Gingrich, served divorce papers to his wife while she lay in her hospital bed. But the philanderer in chief, W.J. Clinton is still married to Hillary, his first and only wife.
  8. Voters pledged or planning to vote for Trump may be loyal. How loyal is Trump? Isn't Melania Trump's 3rd wife? Let's ask Evana how loyal she thinks Donald is.
  9. Doos, Here's mine. http://images.yuku.com/image/jpeg/279257748f6a711694873dd617a8bad39602b5f.JPG[/img] Seems we have opposite tastes. White reflects heat. So my ride is cooler when I get back inside it when it's been baking in the parking lot a few hours in August. And the 2 door has fewer cubic feet of air to cool than the 4 door. So the air conditioner cools it quicker. It's got almost twelve hundred miles on it so far.
  10. I like improv. But I don't need a half-track for that. [& I can't figure out how to get my avatar going here]
  11. Greetings from the park. According to my sources, there won't be any U.S. federal government shutdown before the election.
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