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Everything posted by 1jkw

  1. Google US debt Jan. 2009. It was 10.6 trillion and now 19 trillion.
  2. I'm not pretending anything, I asked what amount of the debt accrued by Obama was the interest on the 10.6 trillion that was on the books when he took office. Then I asked what amount of the debt added under Obama was spent on the Iraq and Afgan. wars. I never said that all of the debt was from the wars. The debt grew by 5 trillion or nearly double as the housing boom and the jobs created by the wars made for extremely strong tax revenues, then the worst economic times since the great depression happened, and the revenues dropped but the war in Afg. tripled in size and we had 2 more years of Iraq and all added costs of UE bennies and all the other shit the government spends money on.
  3. Obama is not the first president to out spend all others it was Reagan then W and now Obama. Obama has cut the deficit, he will also double or nearly double the debt just like W did but not triple it like Reagan did. Unemployment has been measured by the same method since Reagan and is always higher than the quote real unemployment rate. Where I live in NEPA from 07 to 09 there were no jobs either and businesses closed now not only are they reopened many have expanded and it is very difficult to hire anyone.
  4. Yes, the old socialize losses privatize profits.
  5. No doubt Detroit was under dem. control and it is fucked. And yes like it or not red states do get more federal assistance, you can goole it.
  6. Yes and it was part of the problem. First off there was a regulation that stated (Loosely from memory) in any and all cases sound banking practices shall be used and supercede all other rules and regulations. Secondly that is the reason every bank didn't get involved in the crisis they followed the rules, there was a lack of oversight and regulators who turned a blind eye to what was going on, much like hundreds of cars passing through radar at 7 mph over the limit while the cops just sit there.
  7. No, you use any sight you see fit. If you don't want to fine, I'm not playing your little game of not answering and laughing at the source of the info. So are things better now in Obama's seventh year than they were in Bush's seventh? What states people are most get the most federal assistance red or blue?
  8. No that's what you would do. No answers just deflection, nothing new from you.
  9. Guess again, better look up the GLB act it was a bill sponsored by three republicans, every rep senator voted for it and only one dem. and a far greater number of republican house members voted for than did dems. and Clinton signed the bill.
  10. Compare where we are now to when we were seven years into Bush's term.
  11. Yes it was 10.6 not 9. The debt will likely be 20 trillion, much of it will be from coming out of the financial collapse and the wars and interest on the debt. Answer this question. How much of the debt incurred under Obama is the interest on the 10.6 Trillion and the Iraq and Afgan. wars?
  12. No not all any single persons fault. How much of the debt incurred under Obama was the interest on the 10.6 trillion in debt he inherited and the two wars he inherited?
  13. No answer, as always, deflection is all you got still. Now quick, post that list of libtards that voted for the Iraq war and then type yeah it's bushes fault, new site same tired non answers.
  14. Google debt in jan 2009 10.6 trillion, not 9 trillion. What do you suppose the interest on the debt of 10.6 trillion and the last 2 years of the Iraq war, and the need to triple the troops in Afg. to turn the losing war around added?
  15. Who has gotten more US Troops killed Bush or Obama?
  16. It's a long way until the GE, anything could happen, can't be over soon enough though tired of the adds and the bullshit already.
  17. If they offer the easy pull start spend the extra and get it. I'm not sure what the number is 40 or 50 that is needed to run the solid saw blade, if it's the 50 go for it.
  18. Still 1jkw, only user name I have ever had.
  19. Send an email when you have a CM set up, thanks Joe.
  20. 1jkw


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