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Everything posted by ViperGTS/Z1

  1. Pencil neck Adam Schiff.......not the long ball hitter Can't wait for the nicknames of the dem 2020 "contenders ".....Lots of laughs ahead.
  2. Maybe he hasn't totally drained it but he sure has stirred up the murky water by exposing the corruptness in our highest levels of intelligence. .....removal of that POS Brennan and his clearance was some serious cleaning up. Using his cia authoritarian status to persuade the public ..like he had inside info that Trump was treasonous..... what a peice of garbage. No wonder the minds of simple people are having a hard time beleiving the Mueller report after the concerted effort of MSM and likes of Brennan drilling the false narrative day after day for the last 2 years. Looks like he's got a fire hydrant up his ass
  3. It was both Barr and Trump nemesis Rod Rosensteins assessment . Dude....you're just totally gone and out to lunch.......TDS supreme.....5 and a half more years of this disease for you....wish you the best
  4. OMG... these guys still clinging onto the ege of a cliff by their fingernails....give it up already. Can't wait to have a couple beers and watch the meltdown continue on the "news" tonight.
  5. Well many on here almost guaranteed Trump Jr would go down......but apparently nope
  6. He just said good morning to you Slinger. ...have a great day
  7. This is all just so satisfying....good threads jt
  8. Dude...no members of Trump admin have ever been charged with colluding.....just taxes and lying and everything but the russian collusion angle.
  9. I hope the Dems keep this witch hunt going......it wil definitely seal their fate for the 2020 election.
  10. The brain on TDS..... Any questions?
  11. I have the same exact one. Have had it several years....works great but I think its overdue for a calibration. Yup.....have taken so many readings over the years that I can accurately guess my readings beforehand within .01-.02 most times. So it really has helped me guage what my level is even if I dont have the device on me. I never fear a DWI or a field sobriety test...... I just have to worry about the possibility of getting busted with a Roadie from time to time.
  12. More and more reasonable people coming to the conclusion that this was a Witch Hunt against Trumphttps://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrE1x_a4pBcBkwAL3Zx.9w4;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1553027930/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.usatoday.com%2fstory%2fnews%2fpolitics%2f2019%2f03%2f18%2ftrust-mueller-investigation-falls-half-americans-say-trump-victim-witch-hunt%2f3194049002%2f/RK=2/RS=34nolAoXv53dMuG2BXtCbCppDJk- Hey..... but it looks like the latest thing may have Trump talkin to a spa owner that may have connections to China....... screw Russia.... it's off to China we go now
  13. Boom. ....this is exactly it. The D side looking for a socialist dictatorship...what a nightmare of a joke that side has become...give us those immigrant votes. Pretty simple to vote as is now.....cept my state may require any candidate to release his tax forms or he will not be on the ballot come next election., beleive it or not they are considering it. Maybe this HR1 will prevent that from happening. .... Yup.....let everyone vote ,american or not. Your side definitely needs it. When you're a legit citizen. ....no problem getting a vote in.
  14. Anyone having a hard time trying to vote. ..doesn't deserve to vote.
  15. Not to mention , other than the number of arrests being up , we really have no idea how many illegals and drugs are successfully entering- but that number has to be very high in the many porous areas.
  16. But their newest spinjob argument is... its only the big and bulky Marijuana entering in areas besides the legal ports.. I guess the cartels have ethics and will only use the legal ports to get their products across...especially when detection continues to get better and better in those areas.
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